The Wounded Healer is a person who has experienced trauma in their life and has conjured up the inner resources needed to outgrow their trauma. The wounded healer is then able to intimately connect with others who are wounded in a similar way in a manner that bestows healing.
You will find the wounded healer in fields like psychology, counseling, and spirituality. They have a more meta understanding of the world and human psyche that many people do not.
Wounded Healers also offer meaning to those who are suffering. This helps people make peace with the pain they are going through until they inevitably outgrow it.
What is the Wounded Healer Archetype?
The myth of Chiron is about a centaur who was kind, gentle, and wise guidance for many heros. He was accidentally shot by a poison arrow but due to his half-God and half-mortal constitution, he didn’t die but was left to live life in pain. Chiron is the symbol for the wounded healer.
It wasn’t until Chiron was willing to take on the additional suffering of another, that he was blessed by Zues to be free from his poison and pains. It is through the process of those hurt willing to help the other those who are hurt that both can experience healing.
This shows us that within every healer there is a wounded one, and everyone who is wounded holds a cure to their wound somewhere within. To be a healer you must have already been wounded, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to resonate enough with those who are hurting.

Wounded Healer Archetype Examples
The following are examples of the Wounded Healer Archetype:
Harry Potter – The protagonist of this series has gone through significant trauma that follows him since very early in his life. Some of these traumas include losing his parents, being orphaned, abused by the family that adopts him, and frequently terrorized by Voldemort. Regardless, he still inspires strength and courage in others while becoming a force for good.
Katniss Everdeen – The protaganist of The Hunger Games series is forced to fight to the death in order to save her sister. Throughout the series she becomes a symbol of hope for the oppressed and helps overthrow an injust government.
Frodo Baggins – The protagonist of the Lord of the Rings series is a sort of wounded healer by being tasked with destroying the corrupting Ring of Power. Despite his small stature, Frodo helps others across his adventure whom also struggle with their own personal demons.
Nelson Mandela – Former President of South America is a Wounded Healer who spent over 25 years in prison for his anti-apartheid activism. Despite the challenges he’s faced, upon being freed from prison he had a renewed sense of purpose and aspired to help others by furthering his efforts to end apartheid in South Africa. He became a symbol of hope for the oppressed.
How Is The Wounded Healer Able To Heal?
The Wounded Healer is able to heal through empathy. By using their similar experiences, pain, and struggles, the wounded healer is able to empathixe with others and provide an emotional landscape where the patient can feel comfortable enough to share their own vulnerabilities.
The Wounded Healer is able to heal through shared experience. By sharing their experiences with the patient, they can connect in a way where the wounded can look up to the healer until they are able to tap into their own inner resources for spiritual rebirth.
The Wounded Healer can heal through self-awareness. This means that because the wounded healer tends to be very self-aware, they are able to help the patient navigate their own struggles, triggers, and traumas because they’ve learned how to navigate their own so well. They also help the wounded become aware of their damaging patterns and shadow beliefs.
The Wounded Healer can heal through transformation. By being a healed individual, the hurt patient can more easily resonate with the healer and be inspired by the transformation that the wounded healer has gone through.
The Wounded Healer can heal through faith. Since they have had a spiritual awakening, they are more connected to their Transcendant function and Higher Self. This means that they can take a much more spiritual, and sometime religious, approach to healing others.

What Is The Wounded Healer Theory?
Wounds are what connects us to our inner journey and help initiate us to our outer journey. The wounds we take on then change us.
The way we handle our deep wounds can make us more compassionate and a well-spring for healing, or bitter and downward spiraling.
Sometimes our unconscious can connect with another, and both can recognize each other and resonate in a way that is an initiation to attempt a healing together—assuming both have a genuine interest to outgrow their inner struggles.
It’s when people fall too far into their bitterness and disillusionment that they can’t resonate with others enough to connect in a healing relationship. In fact, it’s best that this person works themselves out of these nihilistic depths, or with a professional so they don’t end up hurting anyone else—this is unhealthy, neurotic suffering.
The resonance we see in others is our psyche, the unconscious, telling us that this person is a symbol for healing. But that alone doesn’t afford us our healing. It is through following our intuitions about this symbol that we can take the inner journey necessary to give the symbol the meaning it needs for us to integrate within ourselves and acquire our healing.
The wounded healer is the person that the wounded’s unconscious minds resonate with. They recognize that this person holds what they need to heal. They are a symbol of the pieces the wounded needs to “return home with the elixir” for their inner journey.
It’s by both having been wounded that we can touch each other’s wounds and have genuine understanding and compassion and the wisdom needed to mend the hurt.
Sometimes the only thing necessary isn’t “solving” the wound, but instead being strong enough to take on the wound—learning how to suffer the wound as a way to outgrow the pain.

To find meaning in suffering is to find meaning in this phase of life.
Healing then becomes an individual’s own affair, where they may recieve guidance through a wounded healer, but the healing is always source generated from one’s own psyche.
It’s the ability to fully accept our wounds, to see Reality and Truth of things that we are able to accept and outgrow our pain. Because through this process we acquire the greatest gift—greater Awareness of Self and the World as it truly is.
The inner wounding that shocks your personhood is the Call To Adventure. It’s by taking responsibility and accepting the call to The Hero’s Journey that we further individuate and become more Whole.
The unconscious always wins over the conscious, except through this journey. It is by taking this journey that the Hero triumphs over darkness and the conscious outstands the unconscious.
It is by facing the dragon and overcoming it, that the Hero has a genuine claim to self-confidence because he has claimed it himself. He then has an innermost, earned belief that he can conquer future threats himself as well.
Before conquering the dragon, the Hero’s wounds may be too much to bear, causing destruction to one’s life. The Hero is then forced to retreat and tend to their wounds. It is when they outgrow their wounded personhood through “death” that the Hero is reborn more empowered and capable than before.
Psychologically, our unconscious can have us repeat patterns where we unintentionally socialize others to treat us a certain way, until we finally break free from these unhealthy patterns. These are unhealthy ideas of our existence that Life will continue to serve us until we break the cycle by accepting the Call To Adventure and gain the Consciousness earned through The Hero’s Journey.
The solution to the problem is always an individual one. This is why the wounded psyche must want to heal itself, it can’t be forced to heal by others.

The Meaning of the Wounded Healer Archetype
The wounded healer is meant to symbolize the cure within the pain. That those who have gone through traumatizing suffering are able to help deliver others from their own pain because they have been able to see the light within the darkness.
The resonance we see in others is our psyche, the unconscious, telling us that this person is a symbol for healing. But that alone doesn’t afford us our healing. It is through following our intuitions about this symbol that we can take the inner journey necessary to give the symbol the meaning it needs for us to integrate within ourselves and acquire our healing.
The wounded healer is the person that the wounded’s unconscious minds resonate with. They recognize that this person holds what they need to heal. They are a symbol of the pieces the wounded needs to “return home with the elixir” for their inner journey.
It’s by both having been wounded that we can touch each other’s wounds and have genuine understanding and compassion and the wisdom needed to mend the hurt.
The Importance of the Wounded Healer Archetype
Sometimes the only thing necessary isn’t “solving” the wound, but instead being strong enough to take on the wound—learning how to suffer the wound as a way to outgrow the pain.
To find meaning in suffering is to find meaning in this phase of life.
Healing then becomes an individual’s own affair, where they may recieve guidance through a wounded healer, but the healing is always source generated from one’s own psyche.
It’s the ability to fully accept our wounds, to see Reality and Truth of things that we are able to accept and outgrow our pain. Because through this process we acquire the greatest gift—greater Awareness of Self and the World as it truly is.
Who Invented The Wounded Healer?
Carl Jung described the Wounded Healer archetype as a crucial part of the process of individuation, or psychological maturity. Although Jung didn’t exactly refer to them as “Wounded Healers”, there is evidence that he referred to them as “Wounded Physicians”.
The Wounded Healer is given special consideration becuase they have already outgrown their struggles by undergoing a spiritual transformation that burned away the immature and unnecessary parts of their personhood.

According to Jung, the wounded healer was a representation of the collective unconscious. In terms of Spiral Dynamics, or Ego Development, this makes sense because part of human development is socializing the human animal to being accepted in society. This means that every society has its own form of values and expectations that would give each society its own category of Wounded Healer since the trauma’s from one society can be different from another. Although universally the wounds come from some form of betrayal, the approach can vary.
Jung also believed that the myth of Chiron and Jesus Christ were notable symbols for the Wounded Healer through their willingness to take on others’ suffering despite carrying their own. This makes them symbols of compassion, empathy, rebirth, meaning, etc.
The wounded healer is able to intimately connect with those who are hurt in a way that bestows healing. The secret in the wound is its own antidote for healing.
The wounded healer can also be referred to as a shaman who will absorb and take in the illness of the wounded. In analytical psychology you are able to help the wounded find their healing in their pain through guided self-empowerment.
The myth of Chiron is about a centaur who was kind, gentle, and wise guidance for many heros. He was accidentally shot by a poison arrow but due to his half-God and half-mortal constitution, he didn’t die but was left to live life in pain. Chiron is the symbol for the wounded healer.
It wasn’t until Chiron was willing to take on the additional suffering of another, that he was blessed by Zues to be free from his poison and pains. It is through the process of those hurt willing to help the other those who are hurt that both can experience healing.
What is the Wounded Healer in Counselling?
You can expect to find a wounded healer in the counselling profession. They are able to resonate with hurt people in a way that provides comfort, empathy, and understanding.
The counselor is able to help their patients find meaning in their pain. Affording the patient the resilience and inner consent to live life on their own terms, despite their suffering.
Oftentimes, the counselor has already gone through their own struggles that they’ve overcome. They assist others who are in pain by relating themselves to the emotional landscape their patients are putting forward.
The unconscious projections that happen between the Healer and the Wounded relationship is that the Healer takes the parent projection while the Wounded takes child projection. This is transferance and countertransferance.
Wounded Hero Countertransference (Jungian Perspective)
The unconscious projections that happen between the Healer and the Wounded relationship is that the Healer takes the parent projection while the Wounded takes child projection. This is transferance and countertransference.
Countertransference is the healer’s psychological affective response to the patient. Being a wounded healer means that you will be idealized by those who are wounded but are seeking benevolent truths from a reality they haven’t tapped into yet.
This idealization through admiration can be damaging to both sides because it inevitably leads to a betrayal if either side breaks the idealization without appropriate warning.
This is why self-awareness is important. That the healer is aware of their traumas and have dealt with them deeply enough to prevent projecting onto the patient.

Carl Jung’s Wounded Healer Quote: Exploring Its Meaning
“Only the wounded healer heals.” – Carl Jung
This quote means that a wounded healer is someone who has gone through a trauma made it to the other side of their inner journey. The inner resources and gifts they’ve acquired affords them wisdom that can be shared with others who are presently wounded.
Jung believed that the wounded healer is able to intimately connect with those who are hurt in a way that bestows healing. The secret in the wound is its own antidote for healing. The wound demands that you take stock of what’s in your unconscious. This is what they mean when they say “No good act goes unpunished”. By helping the wounded, you will invariably be wounded. Just as Jesus Christ did when he died for his follower’s sins.
The wounded healer is not just someone who helps others, but also someone who is helped by others. Through their work with others, the wounded healer is able to find healing for themselves as well.
It is through the wounds that we take on that we are able to connect with our inner journey and help initiate us to our outer journey. The wounds we take on then change us. Sometimes our unconscious can connect with another, and both can recognize each other and resonate in a way that is an initiation to attempt a healing together—assuming both have a genuine interest to outgrow their inner struggles.
What is the Wounded Healer in Astrology?
Astrology is said to provide people with insights on personalities, relationships, and different paths of life. In astrology, Chiron is a small asteroid that orbits Uranus and Saturn. Chiron is often referred to as the “healing centaur”.
Chiron symbolizes the wounded parts of ourselves that need healing and the parts of us that has the potential for healing others. This archetype is associated with those who have undergone painful trauma in their lives and an inclination to help others using their painful experiences.
Chiron is also associated with Virgo, which is known for being detail-oriented and healing properties. People with strong Chiron placements are known for their ability to heal others and gravitate to helper professions.
Wounded Healer Bible Verse Explained
The wounded healer archetype can be found in the bible. Specifically in the book of Isaiah.
For example, in Isiah 53:5 reads “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.”
There is also prophetic reference to Jesus Christ by the “Suffering Servant” passage in the book of Isaiah. This servant is willing to suffer for others and through his suffering others are healed.
This means that through healing others, we must be willing to suffer ourselves. Healing is spiritual act because it helps those hurt reconcile their relationship with Reality, or God.

Journey of the Wounded Healer
The journey of the wounded healer starts with facing their own trauma and suffering before they can help others. Understand that this journey is not easy, but it is rewarding.
Like every journey, it starts with a call to adventure. This is a moment of clarity where the wounded healer realized they can use their pain to help others.
After answering the call, the wounded healer must face the dragon. The dragon symbolizes their own trauma and suffering, along with the obstacles that must be faced in order to help others.
The wounded healer’s journey closely follows the hero’s journey. Where the hero experiences an outward adventure while also undergoing an inner journey simultaneously.
The return home is where the hero comes back with the treasure, or wisdom, and new sense of purpose. For the wounded healer this means they now have the inner resources and wisdom it takes to deliver others from their own suffering.
The Dilemma of the Wounded Healer
The wounded healer faces the dilemma of: How do you help others without accidentally re-traumatizing yourself?
On one hand, the wounded healer can relate deeply to their patient’s pain to the degree that most can’t understand. But on the other hand, this can lead to a possible re-traumatizing for the healer.
The following are tips to avoid re-traumatizing the wounded healer:
- Set Boundaries
This means saying no to patients that may trigger the healer’s own traumas. It also means allowing time for self-care.
- Seek Support
This helps provide a safe space for the healer to replenish their inner resources.
- Practice Mindfulness
The healer will be more able to stay grounded on command.
- Self-Reflect
This allows for more self-awareness so the healer is the accidentally missing something in their psychic landscape.
7 Tips On Healing The Wounded Healer
The following are tips on healing the wounded healer:
Practice Self-Care. It’s important that wounded healers take care of their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. This includes setting boundaries and taking care of yourself by resting, eating, exercising, and leisure time.
Get Professional Help. A trained professional can help you along your own healing and life journey by offering you counsel and support.
Connecting With Others. By connecting with other wounded healers you will have a support system that can provide empathy and outlets that you need.
Practice Mindfulness. The ability to be present, for example, partaking in meditation, is a break from all the goals you hold yourself to. Consider mindfulness meditation to be the ultimate pause button on the game of Life, where you give your inner resources the opportunity to replenish and heal.
Embrace Vulnerability. Understand that vulnerability is not weakness, it is strength. Vulnerability = Closeness = Meaning, and those who are mature can handle it, those who are immature will destroy by it.
Practice Gratitude. Gratitude helps you shift your mind away from trauma and gives your consciousness an atmosphere of optimism.
Perform Creative Activities. Creativity helps you process emotions and offer an outlet for catharsis. This includes activities like writing, painting, dancing, etc.
NEXT READ: Everything About Wounded Healers: Books, Tips, Meaning & Signs for the Healer Archetype
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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