Karmic Relationship vs Soulmate vs Twin Flame

In this post, we talk about the difference between Karmic Relationship vs Soulmate vs Twin Flame.

After I talk a bit about the woowoo terms, I’m gonna give you some real life ideas that give these ideas the merit they deserve.

Karmic Relationship vs Soulmate vs Twin Flame

A fulfilling life consists of establishing emotional connections with other people.

A soulmate is a type of connection people are looking for when they are looking for their forever partner; someone you would marry.

However, looking for a soulmate connection involves a lot of suffering for many people. This is because these folks have been brought up to believe that love must be earned. As if a romantic connection inherently involves someone that rescues and someone that is rescued.

You see this in people who are desperate for a relationship because they believe it will somehow solve all their problems.

Now that we have this basis of a very common human situation established, we can go over terms such as: soulmate, karmic relationship, and twin flame.

These words come from woowoo thinking, however, they do have a basis in both psychology and spirituality.

The origin of these words stem from the theory of reincarnation. Reincarnation being the idea that our souls encounter other souls before life and agree to a fated meeting on Earth.

By encountering each other on Earth, the individuals involved are intended to learn a lesson that eventually spread across humanity so that we all rise in consciousness and become healthier as a collective over time.

Soulmate relationships

Soulmate relationships are not limited to romantic couplings. Soulmate relationships can be considered people you call your family; those who you have formed strong bonds that are based on love, respect, and collaboration.

These relationships make you feel safe and part of a community. Ideally, this would be your blood family. But that’s not the case for many of us. These are also referred to as heart family, soul tribe, or in more simple terms—your “chosen family”.

People who have a soulmate relationship form easy connections with each other. They are likely kindred spirits, meaning they just get along very well and very organically.

These relationships allow for a strong foundation of trust, where everyone involved can fully rely on each other. These relationships encourage happiness, trust, growth, and sharing insights.

People with these types of relationships celebrate each others’ achievements and don’t seek to bring anyone else down. Instead they motivate and encourage, while still being understanding.


Colorful words aside, the people who are capable of forming “soul tribe” levels of bonding are people who are mature.

How can you tell if someone is capable of forming these types of relationships? Easy.

They are GENUINE.

People who are genuine are rare. Real friends are rare.

These are people who want the best for you. They seek to help you grow and offer you opportunities because they want you to have more options and freedom in life.

They don’t seek to undermine you because they are mature enough to be satisfied with the power they have in their life—so they have no need to try and control you.

This is unlike—

Karmic Relationships

Karmic relationships are the connections you are meant to embrace before they betray you.

You will find these people who serve as life lessons in many places in your life. They can be your current partner, a friend, your work colleagues, family, etc.

These relationships initially lure you in, sweet talk you into their facade, before they ultimately chew you up and spit you out.

These are the people who do you wrong after you’ve been treating them so well. But you stick around because early on you felt like you had a connection.

I’m sorry to say… but the connection you felt wasn’t real. Or at least it wasn’t mutual.

How can you tell if someone is a karmic lesson? It’s simple really—


And here’s a crazy truth you weren’t aware of…

You are disingenuous too.

Only disingenuous people willingly involve themselves with other shallow, fake, disingenuous people.

When you are people-pleasing to make this toxic person like you again, you aren’t being genuine with yourself.

You want something from them that they can’t give you…

Here’s another harsh truth—

Disingenuous people aren’t your friends.

Disingenuous people CAN’T be friends.

At most, these people can only be acquaintances. And even then, you’re life will improve three-fold if you rid yourself of them.

Here are trademark signs that this is a karmic relationship you are meant to learn from:

  • They cheat on you
  • You are being mistreated
  • They betray you
  • They are tyrannical over you

It’s when you begin to learn your lesson that you will eventually step away and become better at discerning who is meant to stay in your life, and who you must actively shut out.

Karmic Relationship vs Soulmate vs Twin Flame

Twin flame relationship and ratio

Twin Flames are essentially people who have an insecure attachment style who can’t help but be an incredible match for each other.

The twin flame lore is that before you were born, your soul separated from its other half. Both of these halves will visit Earth and experience similar circumstances in their lives.

Each individual will go through their own journey where they develop emotionally and spiritually.

When they finally meet, if they ever do, they will experience a resonance of familiarity.

These two are meant to help each other grow, heal from their past, and further their maturity.

The problem with twin flame relationships is that the timing seems to never be right.

The person who recognizes the connection more will become the chaser (anxious attachment) while the other will fail to meet the connection fully and become the pursued (avoidant attachment).

Both of these individuals have insecure attachment styles, however, they are such a good match—that if they were to commit to each other, they could experience divine union. They will attain an earned attachment style in the process.

However, if they fail to commit to each other and make things work—the physical separation will hopefully serve as a basis for developing self-love. In other words, you realize that your other half, your twin flame, is yourself.

It’s when you develop a healthy relationship with the self, or a healthy relationship with another, that you form an inner union with yourself—becoming Whole again.

This earned secure attachment becomes a reflection of your relationship with the World, a divine union.

Here are some resources I recommend:

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Tarot Cards (incl. Manifestation Manual ebook) provide insight and intuitive guidance for personal growth and decision-making.

Chakra Crystals (incl. Ancestral Healing ebook) can bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.

Book of Shadows (incl. Shadow Work Journal) is your own special journal that you fill up with your energetic intentions as you scribe your own inner practices to be passed down to others.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

These products are not affiliate links, we do not get a commission when you purchase these tools. We are supportive of our partnership with Sinful Goods for offering small websites a chance to promote their brands.

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