How To Get Out of Your Head

The following blog posts were written on my original blog over five years ago. This article is part of my 37 Life Lessons From My Youth Series. Note: I’ve matured a lot since then and my “voice” has changed since. Enjoy.

I walk across the lot. The sky is grey. You can hear booms from miles away.

I continue to walk forward. Rain starts to poor.

All I hear is thunder, rain drizzling on concrete, and my footsteps.

My footsteps echo. I’m reminded that I’m alone right now.

I hear a giant boom.

There’s me. Then there’s the world.

Nothing else exists. And I can’t help but feel awe.

There’s a force out there that can’t be controlled. Something bigger than me.

Something all-powerful that I can do nothing about. Nobody can do anything to stop this force of nature.

It’s when you are in the presence of these monumental powers, that you will be pulled outside of your head.

You have no will over thunder and lightning.

You can’t make the ocean obey you. Or move mountains and forests.

You can only acknowledge it’s existence. And how puny you are in it’s presence.

How everything is so small in comparison.

Your mind opens up to it. You take deeper breaths.

You feel alive.

You’re free from obligations and the will of others. The daily things that demand your attention. The small details of life that we place too much importance on.

All there is –

Is you, the moment, and the wild power that surrounds you.

You will be so overwhelmed, you will get out of your head and achieve a sense of peace.

  • Rich

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