How to do Shadow Work Manifestation Exercises

This is an excerpt of a section within the Manifestation Manual: The Path of Least Resistance, titled How to do Shadow Work Manifestation Exercises.

Here is a quick rundown of shadow and shadow work to get you up to speed:

What is Shadow Self & Shadow Work?

Your shadow self, or shadow, is the side of yourself you have no awareness of. It holds all the qualities you disowned during your formative years.

Although you learned to repress these qualities to push them outside of your awareness, they are still living underneath the surface.

They unconsciously guide your actions and are the unseen cause for many of the troubles in your life.

Shadow work is the intentional practice of becoming aware of your unconscious shadow and integrating these neglected qualities into your being—becoming whole.

This is a process of building self-awareness, self-acceptance, and universal Love.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

How to do Shadow Work Manifestation Exercises

Here are tips to help you do shadow work manifestation exercises.

1. Believe that you are worthy and that things will get better

Acknowledging your self worth is the crucial first step in overcoming the challenges that overshadow your life and reclaiming it.

During times of low spirits its natural to perpetuate those feelings. Its human to sometimes indulge in self pity as it serves a purpose.

However if we allow this self pity to consume us it becomes an obstacle that hinders our ability to regain our momentum and return to our normal routines or even better become the best version of ourselves.

Some individuals remain unaware of the key to living their most fulfilling lives because they resist the belief that things can improve.

Its important to keep in mind that delving into the shadows might uncover aspects you may not like. Nevertheless we must also remember that not everything lurking within our unconscious is negative.

2. Pay attention to the emotions you are experiencing

No emotions are bad.

Our negative emotions are portals in the shadows. They help us identify our wounds and fears.

When you feel an emotion, take a minute to look at it. Ask yourself the following questions:

How I feel Why do I feel it? Wait for answers.

Don’t be disappointed if the answers don’t come right away. Sometimes the answers take time to be found and you will know it.

Never force answers and do not jump to conclusions because they may be wrong. Shadow work is considered mental work and happens on your schedule. Just be patient and know that in time the answers will come.

These steps simply mean accepting what you feel when it appears and acknowledging that you are an emotional being who may find it difficult to control your emotions from time to time.

If you are working to tame yourself in the shadows, you will pay attention to these moments to stay with them instead of trying to run away from them.

So many people just want to feel better in the moments when we feel the most discomfort, but if we can stay with our emotions, name them and be grateful for them, we can overcome them and move on. -good things.

A better life is not created by not experiencing these emotions, but by experiencing them all with gratitude.

3. Identify the shadow

Our shadows are located in our subconscious. But, unfortunately, we buried them there, so it’s hard to identify him.

To work in the shadows, we need to identify the shadow. The first step is to become aware of the recurring feelings you are always experiencing. Identifying these patterns will help emphasize the shadow.

Some common shadow beliefs are:

I’m not good enough. Dislike. I’m wrong. My feelings are not valid. I have to take care of everyone around me. Why can’t I just be as normal as the others?

This excerpt comes from the section titled How to do Shadow Work Manifestation Exercises.

Did you enjoy this article? Check out the Manifestation Manual: The Path of Least Resistance.

Here are some resources I recommend:

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Tarot Cards (incl. Manifestation Manual ebook) provide insight and intuitive guidance for personal growth and decision-making.

Chakra Crystals (incl. Ancestral Healing ebook) can bring balance and harmony to your mind, body, and spirit.

Book of Shadows (incl. Shadow Work Journal) is your own special journal that you fill up with your energetic intentions as you scribe your own inner practices to be passed down to others.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

These products are not affiliate links, we do not get a commission when you purchase these tools. We are supportive of our partnership with Sinful Goods for offering small websites a chance to promote their brands.

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Sensual Shadow Play is practiced through BDSM experiences. If you are 18+ and are interested, go here.

Subscribe to get your free ebook 30 Shadow Work Prompts

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