In this post, we discuss what is Vishuddha chakra, what it means, how to unblock, open and activate it, all within the context of kundalini awakening.
What is Kundalini & the Chakras?
Kundalini and the Chakras: Kundalini is symbolized as latent energy coiled at the base of the spine in Eastern spiritual traditions. The Chakras are seven energy centers along the spine, channeling life force energy. They play a crucial role in spiritual practices, representing different levels of consciousness.
Kundalini Awakening: A Kundalini Awakening is a transformative experience where dormant Kundalini energy rises through the Chakras. It can be triggered by meditation or spontaneously. This process leads to heightened consciousness, expanded awareness, and a connection with the universal consciousness. It involves intense physical and emotional sensations, fostering personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Check out Everything About Kundalini & the Chakras.
What is Vishuddha Chakra & its Symbolic Meaning?
We all start in Muladhara and go through a series of chakra stages, or the four elements:
- Muladhara – Earth
- Swadhisthana – Water
- Manipura – Fire
- Anahata – Air
- Vishuddha – Spirit / Ether
Fifth Chakra (Vishuddha) – Represents Spirit and Ether, that which you can’t catch yet penetrates all. It is matter that is not matter.
Vishuddha is the first step beyond the empirical world into the world of concepts, psychic realities, and psychical substance.
This is construct-awareness and understanding that the sixth sense is intuition, the meaning-maker, which is both an unconscious and conscious function.
How to Unblock & Open Vishuddha Chakra
Vishuddha is only reached when you trust psychical existence. Not only do you believe in matter-made, material world, you also believe in a psychical force, but you’ve yet to connect to psychical existence and its inherent psychic substances.
The gap between physics and psychology is a reflection between the difference between Anahata and Vishuddha.
Vishuddha is a world of abstract values and ideas where the psyche is and of itself, and psychical reality is the only reality.
This contends with the material reality and insists that this world is only an illusion.
This would mean that the Purusha has become the center of all and would witness Ultimate Reality as it were.
Vishuddha is complete recognition of psychical essences as fundamental facts of the world by experience.
But to cross anahata to vishuddha, one must unlearn all of that and admit that all psychical facts have nothing to do with material facts.
For instance, the anger you feel towards somebody or something, no matter how justified, is not caused by those external things. It is a phenomenon all by itself.
If you have reached that stage, you begin to leave anahata because you have succeeded in dissolving the union of material external facts with internal or psychical facts—not taking things personally.
This means that people and events you have in the external world is your own personal, internal experience being projected outward. You are the person projecting meaning or lack of meaning, value or lack thereof, upon your experiences with people and life events.
The world itself becomes a reflection of the psyche.
This is basically understanding that your thoughts about a person isn’t the entirety of the person.
It is a projection of your own thoughts onto of what that person is. They are what you make them.
You are more integrated in yourself, you have differentiated that how people treat you is not a reflection of you but of themselves, and you are aware that the following are only emotional beliefs and not actual emotions:
- Betrayal
- Abandonment
- Disappointment
- Humiliation
- Isolation
You understand that your psyche is identical with your consciousness, your living experience. And that doesn’t mean it’s the Reality of the situation.
You understand that the Reality of the situation is behind the curtain that is your psyche (personal unconscious) and behind the dream that you’re living in that’s not yours (the society you live in; ex. the rat race).
The more you mend your psyche and the more aware of the authority you project to others, the closer you will get to understanding a more objective Reality—the Truth, Existence—that which encapsulates everything.
This is why when you are aware of your fundamental desires and passions, you have overcome the worst danger.
How To Activate & Balance Vishuddha Chakra
We like to believe everything is our conscious (intentional) doing, however, you can’t help but recognize that there is something living within your psyche, sitting next to your mind, elusive and acting on its own without you’re mind’s conscious knowing.
You are not your mind. You are more than your mind, and you are beyond your own complete understanding. Here are examples of elusive “others” that are still part of you, that are sitting within your psyche:
Meaning Maker: Until this stage of development, you weren’t aware of how you have an unconscious “Meaning-Maker” in your psyche—a feature of the human animal that is first understood to be your intuition, and later found the be understood as that which determines and connects you to your level of consciousness, or spirituality, aka your relationship with reality.
This very same Meaning-Maker is the thing that “weaves” your dreams with symbolic psychic materials that provoke emotional energy for you to carry into waking life.
The only difference is that during sleep it’s allowed to create a flexible dream world where you are the unknowing god projecting meaning onto everything (the dream is all you)—
While in your waking life, you are a limited god automatically projecting meaning onto a fixed material world, forming your lived experience based on the egoic ideal you are currently pursuing.
This is why “life is a dream”, or tHe mATrIx.
This is why the sleeping gods don’t awaken until you have a dream life you want to pursue, thanks to The Hero’s Journey that Kundalini called you to act upon.
There is also another part of your psyche that acts on it’s own and expresses itself through you:
Repressed Shadow Self: This is part of your personality that you’ve repressed and have effectively “hated” out of your awareness. It’s those qualities you think you don’t have, but in fact express in ignorance, and irrationally hyper-despise in others. It’s that thing that doesn’t want to be conscious of that fact that it likes being hurt or causing hurt because society has judged these sensations as unacceptable.
It’s also that inner self-saboteur that misplaces your belongings in the weirdest places, burns dinner out of momentary forgetfulness, or always drops items in the most shattering manner—that which manifests as your doing, but is also not of your doing. It’s the part of you that wanted these things to happen.
The unconscious side of you crossing over from Manipura to Anahata is really difficult. It demands that you recognize that the psyche is self-moving. It has a life of its own. Again, you are not your mind.
The unconscious is genuine because it’s not your ego self. Your ego has an end to it.
Your consciousness is limited. The unconscious, the unconscious mind is limitless.
You are not the master of your own mind, of your own psyche, of your own house.
NOTE: You still want a healthy strong ego! This is what you use to best navigate through life within the society you have been brought into. The ego serves a purpose, and giving into the shadow completely only leads a meaningless life that lends itself to neuroticism, homicidal and suicidal tendencies.
There are spirits at play within your consciousness and they appear right at the end of your own personal tyranny.
Eastern Symbolism for Elephants is the making of reality out of concepts, that we have to admit are just in our imagination.
Concepts are the products of feelings and intellect. They are abstractions with no physical phenomena, but still lead to manifestations in our physical world (the ever-present muladhara).
The abstract concept of “energy” is what binds these things together—the elephant makes reality out of these invisible spirits of the mind.
When you speculate on something, you create abstractions which can feel like your own artificial conclusions, so you’re never sure if they really do exist. When you obsess on your suspicions of “what is really going on here”, you seek to substantiate your thinking, causing to you behave in a way that closes the cognitive dissonance between your mind and physical reality.
You seek Truth.
And you work to reach the Truth, to make your dreams a reality—because you have faith.
This is why “working” is an embodiment of faith—you are the Being possessed by a God—you don’t have the idea, the idea has you.
Again, you are not your ego, you are not your mind, and anahata is the stage where you are a symbol of your Calling—you are The Chosen One, The Anointed, who is meant to find the Treasure of Truth at the end of this Hero’s Journey.
This is what all societies are built on, their level psycho-spiritual development.
The concept of God has come out of experience, the result of pursuing Truth.
Here are some phrases that hopefully make sense to you if you’ve been following along with everything:
You are a small piece of God, within the totality that is God, seeking to further understand God.
You are a small piece of Truth, within the totality that is Truth, seeking to further understand Truth.
You are a small piece of Reality, within the totality that is Reality, seeking to further understand Reality.
Everything that happens in this World is meant to bring more Love into this World.
Truth = Reality = God = Love = World
Spirituality is your relationship with the World.
Spirituality = Wisdom = Maturity
The healthy human animal inherently seeks the Truth as well as it possibly can.
For example, you know when you’d like to do something very much, but you hesitate when it’s not meant to be. Or when you don’t want to do something, but your psyche demands that you do it despite yourself.
Internally you know that you must go that way and there’s no hesitation about it.
This is the reality of living in Vishuddha.
Your psychical experience is evidence that a non-material, product of the mind is real. Examples of this includes:
- Pain
- Suffering
- Addiction
This same sort of inner psychical experience makes sense of those who identify as different genders than their birth bodies.
Vishuddha Chakra Healing, Symbol & Meaning
A thinker whose ideas are independent from the events of daily life is in Vishuddha, or entering Ajna.
Ajna is ego death without rebirth.
The supra-personal aspect is the personal aspect being identified with a conscious. We don’t see that there exists something outside of it. This aspect is not above, instead it is below—where we can observe suprapersonal events taking place in the psyche.
As we create culture, we are creating suprapersonal values. Through this we are seeing the sukshma aspect through culture, where we get an intuitive sense of the other.
The chakra system manifests itselt in culture, which can be divided into various levels—the belly, heart, and head.
We start in the head, where we identify with our eyes, with detached consciousness, and objectivity, we observe the world of ajna. When we speak our knowledge in the form of words, we are in vishuddha, aka the throat center.
The chakras are symbols of the levels of consciousness and they can be represented by three sections of the body:
- Muladhara and Swadhisthana (Lower Centers)
- Manipura and Anahata (Diaphragm)
- Vishuddha and Ajna (Head)
The lower centers are attributions of the primitive functions, that which is instinctive, unconscious actions and motivations, and participation mystique for timely bonding.
The diaphragm contains manipura, the emotional being who is a victim of their passions, and anahata, the heart that is the beginning of sense of self and the rational thinking soul.
In western thought, we believe we think in the head ajna by default, but plenty of other cultures side-eye this assumption. Instead many cultures identify both their thinking and sense of self as coming from the heart.
The head is where we speak our ideas and abstractions from. The vishuddha speaks the word, that is connected to the entire body up to this point.
In western thought, we are convinced we are masters of ourselves, that our thoughts come from us, that the brain in the head carries the psyche—when in actuality, there are neural passageways all across the body, meaning the brain is actually the body. We don’t have ideas, ideas have us.
The belly is your God because it’s where the sense of self and rationale to do more and be more originates; the greek term thumos is “fire in the belly”, the motivation that drives action to be who we see ourselves to be.
Kundalini is the driving force that pushes our consciousness through these chakra stages. Kundalini also represents the sun serpent that rises from the night of muladhara. These journeys are the days of our life—until we realize that it’s all one experience encapsulating infinite.
A full awakening takes places after Vishuddha, where one’s psyche is mended, and at the start of Ajna, where great intuitions and synchronicities appear.
The awakening of Kundalini is the awakening of knowledge and creative power in woman power which works alongside man power.
There are two forms of Kundalini:
- The general Kundalini is the driving force for development prior to the awakening found in ajna
- The true Kundalini is the resulting union of getting in touch with one’s self and it’s great intuitions within ajna
Life after experiencing true Kundalini may appear to be the same, but this level of awareness of life is absolutely new compared to before.
Buddhism Symbol for Cow is the last and innermost reality. When one has found the cow, they longer care for it. One lives life without feeling the need to always look at their cow, because you know it’s always there. After realizing the highest intuition, you don’t always go looking for it. Instead you let yourself drop back into muladhara again. This is normal.
Enlightenment presence as God is held in moments. It is too vast for ego and the limited human animal to carry indefinitely. This last innermost reality can and will only be witnessed in moments.
The personal will can only stand within it for so long before dropping back down into the dream, where it will continue onto infinite more journeys, until the final awakening that is physical death.
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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