In this post, we go over the svadhishthana chakra, it’s symbolic meaning, and it’s location within the context of kundalini.
What is Kundalini & the Chakras?
Kundalini and the Chakras: Kundalini is symbolized as latent energy coiled at the base of the spine in Eastern spiritual traditions. The Chakras are seven energy centers along the spine, channeling life force energy. They play a crucial role in spiritual practices, representing different levels of consciousness.
Kundalini Awakening: A Kundalini Awakening is a transformative experience where dormant Kundalini energy rises through the Chakras. It can be triggered by meditation or spontaneously. This process leads to heightened consciousness, expanded awareness, and a connection with the universal consciousness. It involves intense physical and emotional sensations, fostering personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Check out Everything About Kundalini & the Chakras.
Where is Svadhisthana Located & Significance?
The chakras are symbols of the levels of consciousness and they can be represented by three sections of the body:
- Muladhara and Svadhisthana (Lower Centers)
- Manipura and Anahata (Diaphragm)
- Vishuddha and Ajna (Head)
The Svadhishthana Chakra is situated in the lower abdomen, just below the navel and approximately two inches inward. It aligns with the sacral plexus and governs the area of the reproductive organs, including the ovaries in women and the testes in men.
The lower centers are attributions of the primitive functions, that which is instinctive, unconscious actions and motivations, and participation mystique for timely bonding.
Svadhisthana is a place of emotional intensity, where you don’t speak with words but with your physiology. This is the start of morality, which involves taking care of your needs in a place that is appropriate.
Dogs have learned this in svadhisthana, where they are particular about where they pee and poo.
This chakra level is also the lowest means of psychic expression and is used by lower consciousness human animals.
For example, a gang member who sprays graffiti on the wall, or Amber Heard when she shat on Johnny Depp’s side of the bed.
They are essentially staking claim of territory. Such as, having hickeys on your partner or your or injecting your partner with semen.
The more primitive a being’s development is, the more valuable the psychic manifestations are. This is because this is the first form of speech in nature.
Dreams are full of symbolic psychic manifestations due to svadhisthana.
Archetypes are the first form of our existence. Children freely live along the world of the unconscious archetypes and world of jewels. It’s when the child starts experiencing bodily sensations that it awakens to svadhisthana, conscious of it’s own life and ego living in muladhara.
What is Svadhishthana Chakra & Symbol Meaning?
First to Second Chakra (Muladhara to Svadhisthana) – When you are “living life in transit”, there’s not much going on and we’re not in the mind of doing something different. It is here in muladhara that we are acting as unconscious animals.
The next chakra, Svadhisthana, is symbolized by the sea. In this ocean there is a monster that threatens your destruction.
Svadhisthana has the same characterization as the unconscious mind. You aren’t wrong to assume that the way out of our muladhara will lead us to water.
Symbolically, this is why a cult’s first demand for new recruits is to go into water and “be reborn”.
To get to higher development, you must go through water with the danger of being swallowed by the whale.
In baptism, there’s a symbolic drowning or “being taken by sea” to then be saved by a savior. This symbolic death is what leads into a new life.
When you go underwater you will encounter the monster, which will be either a source of renewal or destruction.
This is why the second chakra, svadhisthana, is known as a rebirth or destruction. Here we can expect a manifestation of a new life or renewed drive and intensity—a tapping into the third chakra, Manipura.
Second Chakra (Svadhisthana) – Represents water and diving into life without reservation. However, this region is above us.
In the Western world, diving into water would be moving from a higher place to a lower place; a descent into the unconscious.
In the Eastern world, diving into water is going from a lower place to a higher place.
Svadhisthana is the life we live without thought. This is when we get carried away by the stream of life and we float to whatever comes to us.
In the western world, we would place muladhara on top as our conscious world, meanwhile our next chakra (svadhisthana) would be underneath as our feelings.
In the western world, we look at the unconscious as a place under the earth, below ground level. Another word is catabasis, a journey to the Underworld.
This is the uniting of Shakti and Shiva, a pair of masculine and feminine principles. They are united below and so united above. This is reflected in the dive or descent into the unconscious world of svadhisthana.
Swadhisthana is where we lose ourselves to life, living without goal or purpose. We are aware of the monster in the water, and a tendency in the mind to want to run away.
There are two ways to approach the Unconscious:
- You face the monster and become swallowed by it; you look into the abyss until is looks back.
- You come to the monster from behind and attack it.
Kundalini is your leading spark, an inner incentive, the urge that forces you through the water (second chakra, svadhisthana, the call to adventure into the new world, that which is in your unconscious awareness…for now).
The concept of Kundalini has for us only one use—that is to describe our own experiences with the unconscious—the experiences that have to do with the initiation of the super personal processes.
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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