Shadow Work for Procrastination Trigger

In this post, we go over shadow work for procrastination, or more specifically, when you are triggered by procrastination.

If you are triggered by procrastination, you need to own a sense of honor for your own timing.

But first, let’s quickly go over the topic of shadow.

What is Shadow Self & Shadow Work?

Your shadow self, or shadow, is the side of yourself you have no awareness of. It holds all the qualities you disowned during your formative years.

Although you learned to repress these qualities and push them outside of your awareness, they still live underneath the surface.

They unconsciously guide your actions and are the unseen cause for many of the troubles in your life.

Shadow work is the intentional practice of becoming aware of your unconscious shadow and integrating these neglected qualities into your being—becoming whole.

This is a process of building self-awareness, self-acceptance, and universal Love.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

Carl Jung

NEXT READ: Everything About Shadow Work (Comprehensive In-Depth Guide)

Everything About Inner Shadow Work

Shadow Work for Procrastination Trigger

Someone who is always late, can want to be timely. But unconsciously be self-sabotaging.

The unconscious will always win every battle by the way.

One reason why someone can be constantly late is a shadow belief that your existence isn’t impactful enough to matter if you’re on time.

Another reason is that it’s a way for someone to express anger through passive-aggressiveness. It’s a power move of “I’ll make you wait for me” because my time is more valuable than yours.

An uncooperative, entitled, and damaging effort to express independence and personal power.

While your ego is ashamed, the unconscious is giddy about your lateness.

The shame is what prevents you from seeing this in yourself. A defense from self-reflection.

However, one major reason that people procrastinate or are late is because, despite knowing they should be more timely, they are more compelled to do more for themselves.

This is not an attack on others. Instead, its an unconscious effort to compensate themselves. They’re stretched thin and the unconscious is trying to point them to taking more care of themselves.

This is why you find yourself “in the zone” or engrossed in any activities before you know you should be heading out.

There’s self-nurturance, self-soothing, and self-accommodation involved in this unwillingness to do what you “should” be doing.

If this is you, understand that you can better control this compulsion by recognizing that it’s something you really want to do, but it has to wait, and you will get back to it.

Relentlessly pushing forward to work on this current passion task when time is running out is a sign of black and white thinking.

A way of thinking that is more child-like, and at this time, inconvenient.

So to integrate this honoring of one’s timing really involves a lot of empathy and honoring yourself.

And it implies that you don’t let yourself get lost in your passions when you anticipate something scheduled coming up.

This is somewhat related to how people will block out their entire day for the one appointment they have that day that lasts like two hours or something.

It comes down to not letting yourself get lost in your passions because you’re living life on someone else’s schedule, and not accepting your limitations, or personal need for self-care.

Here are some resources I recommend:

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

These products are not affiliate links, we do not get a commission when you purchase these tools. We are supportive of our partnership with Sinful Goods for offering small websites a chance to promote their brands.

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Sensual Shadow Play is practiced through BDSM experiences. If you are 18+ and are interested, go here.

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