The Science, Psychology & Spirituality Behind Manifestation

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines “manifest” as something “able to be seen” or  “clearly shown or visible.”

The act of manifesting is making something tangible and able to be experienced by the physical senses.

Manifestation consists of aligning yourself with your goal so it can express itself in the physical world.

Today, many New Age schools use this term to refer to the strategies to materialize a goal by focusing their thoughts and emotion on the desired outcome.

Science and Psychology Behind Manifestation

Many proponents of the law of attraction use quantum mechanics concepts to explain how manifestation works.

Here are some principles that authors commonly use to demonstrate the power of attraction.

Quantum Physics

Many authors find that the concept of manifestation has a great similarity with the recent findings of quantum physics.

Physicists were able to break down the atom into smaller components known as subatomic particles using particle accelerators. However, they discovered that subatomic particles are not, in fact, particles. They are merely information and energy impulses.

This implies that everything we think of as solid stuff is not solid. In other words, everything we see in our physical reality is made up of non-physical matter.

The quantity and arrangement of subatomic particles are the only differences between one material item and another. Everything in the cosmos is made up of these extraordinary subatomic particles in different quantities and configurations.

What’s more, these subatomic particles may behave like both a wave and a particle at the same time, and they can be in several places at the same time.

Science and Psychology Behind Manifestation

This quantum energy impulse, or vibration, turns out to be a wave of energy and information until it is noticed by somebody.  When humans focus their attention on them, the wave transforms into a particle. Then it attracts other energy impulses with the same frequency of vibration.

Although the official science has not proved the existence of the law of attraction, the proponents of the law of attraction use these concepts to explain how everything in the universe is no more than energy.

According to this theory, when someone poses their attention to a wave of energy, they can transform it into a particle. Then, it attracts impulses with a similar frequency. In other words, by paying attention to one of the possibilities in the quantum field, one can materialize it and attract similar energy.

The observer effect

The observer effect is the phenomenon in which the observer modifies the observed reality by the mere act of watching an object. In other words, observation affects reality.

Double-slit experiments showed this principle. Physicists demonstrated that the observation of quantum phenomena could change their behavior.


The law of attraction comes from the principle that everything in the universe is energy. All things are vibrating.

Cymatics experiments study vibrational phenomena, attempting to make sound waves visible. These experiments use objects such as Chladni plates, Tibetan bowls, or more advanced instruments as the CymaScope.

These experiments demonstrate how sound waves create geometrical patterns according to frequency.

The effect of vibration in molecules of matter

The experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto studied the relationship between sound and matter, specifically water. He published the results of his experiments in a book called “The Hidden Messages of Water”.

He exposed water molecules to different sounds. Then, he froze the water and took pictures of it. The result was fascinating.

The water he exposed to positive words such as “Love” or “Thank you”, or classical music formed beautiful geometrical shapes. The water he exposed to negative words such as “Hate” or music like heavy metal formed ugly, chaotic shapes.

His experiments demonstrated the effects of sound on reality. It serves as a base to explain how positive affirmations can affect an individual’s life. After all, we are all 70% water.

The Placebo effect

The Placebo effect is the phenomenon in which the beliefs and thoughts of an individual affect their body. For example, when they show the improvement of their symptoms despite using a nonactive treatment.

The experiments of the psychologist Alia Crum demonstrate the clinical relevance of the Placebo effect. She is the principal investigator of the Stanford Mind and Body Lab.

For example, she held an experiment in which she gave milkshakes to a group of participants while measuring their Ghrelin (the hunger hormone).

First, the researchers told the participants that the milkshake had 140 calories, and it was low-fat with zero added sugar. Their ghrelin dropped slightly.

Then, they gave the same milkshake to another group, telling them that it had 650 calories and a significant amount of fat and sugar. Their ghrelin dropped significantly.

In other words, the beliefs of those who participated in the experiment are what ultimately created an effect on their bodies. Although the milkshake was the same in both cases, it affected them differently because they expected different results.

In her experiments, Alia Crum shows how thoughts have a strong effect on the outcome. They demonstrate the power of mindset. She explains more of the Placebo effect in her scientific articles and conferences.

The studies on the Placebo effect show that an individual’s beliefs can affect their reality, which is the basis of applying the law of attraction.

Where does manifestation come from

The effect of visualization

Visualization is the act of imagining a scenario in your mind. New Thought authors use this practice to manifest the desired outcome in their lives.

The International Coaching Academy released a study article on neuroscience and visualization. It says that If you repeat a scenario in your mind, your brain will begin to behave as if the idea were a real object in the world.

The thalamus is a portion of the brain that is concerned with the reality-making process. It does not distinguish between inner and outer realities, thus it will perceive any idea as real If you repeat it long enough.

The thought becomes more achievable and real, which is the first step toward inspiring other parts of the brain to take conscious action in the environment.

According to a 2009 scientific review by Hassabis and Maguire, visualizing your goals improved their chances to become a physical reality.

Researchers in the Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio conducted a study about the power of visualization. They compared people who went to the gym with people who carried virtual workouts in their heads.

According to Psychology Today, the findings showed a 30 percent boost in muscle strength in those who visited the gym. However, those who had just imagined themselves working out saw a 13.5 percent increase in muscle strength. In other words, these people become stronger just by thinking about exercising.

The effect of positivity

There are plenty of studies about how positive thinking can benefit physical and mental health. Science shows that positive individuals are more successful in marriage, friendship, wealth, work performance, and many other aspects.

A 2005 study by Lyubomirsky, King, and Diener demonstrates how many different experiments on positivity conclude in the same outcome: Positive individuals are more successful in various life domains.

One of the principles of the law of attraction is that positivity attracts more positivity. If you want to have a good life, you need to begin by shifting your mindset to a more positive one.

The effect of prayer, visualization, and positive affirmations

Multiple studies show that positive affirmations reduce stress, improve health, and boost academic achievement.

In 2017, an experiment by Albert Albina from Central Mindanao University exposed a group of participants to lectures about the law of attraction for 29 days. Then, the experimental group had a significantly higher level of happiness and gratitude than the control group.

The work of Larry Dossey, which includes books such as The Power of Prayer, demonstrates that prayer does have an effect, whether the recipient is aware of it or not.

In 2016,  Cascio and other scientists studied the effect of positive affirmations using magnetic resonance imaging. In this experiment, those participants who used positive affirmations showed increased activity in key regions of the brain. These areas are involved in positive valuation.

Positive affirmations are one of the most popular manifestation methods and, as science shows, it has a strong impact on your life.

How long does manifestation take

Where does manifestation come from?

Manifestation comes from the concept of the law of attraction. Although this universal law appears in many sacred texts and ancient occult literature, the name is relatively new.

The law of attraction in the 19th century

The first time the words “the law of attraction” appeared on paper was in 1877, in a book by the Russian occultist Helena Blavatsky.

She was an enigmatic character, founder of the Theosophical Society, and author of multiple books.

In her book, Isis Unveiled, she refers to how the attractive power between molecules of matter also occurs in the spiritual plane:

“Why should there be an attraction between the molecules of matter, and none between those of spirit?.”

She calls this principle “the law of attraction”:

“If the law of attraction is admitted as governing the one, why should it be excluded from influencing the other?”

In 1886, Prentice Mulford articulated the general principle underlying the law of attraction in his book “The Law of Success”. The works of Mulford were essential in the development of New Thought.

Other famous New Thought writers followed Mulford in the 19th century. For example, Henry Wood in 1892 and Ralph Waldo Trine in 1896.

The law of attraction in the 20th century

In the 20th century, there was a growing interest in the law of attraction. Many New Thought authors wrote about this topic. Some of them wrote famous best-sellers such as “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill, and “You Can Heal Yourself” by Louise Hay.

In 1906, William Walker Atkinson published his book “Thought Vibration or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World”. In this work, he explains in detail the concept of the law of attraction and how it relates to vibration, frequency, and energy.

In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles released his book “The Science of Getting Rich” where he gave further detail on how to use thoughts to affect reality.

In  1928, Napoleon Hill published “The Law of Success in 16 Lessons” where he used the term “law of attraction” extensively. Then, in 1937 he released his best-seller “Think and Grow Rich”. This book remains one of the most influential books of this century.

Since 1986, the Abraham-Hicks books became very popular and also controversial.

The law of attraction in the 21st century

In 2006, the idea of the law of attraction gained renewed attention of the masses and became mainstream. It was thanks to the movie “The Secret”. It was a documentary with a series of interviews that explain the foundations of the law of attraction.

The film gained widespread media coverage, and it inspired a book with the same name. It became very popular and had a great impact on Western society.

Manifestation in the digital era

Since the release of “The Secret” (2006), the concept of the law of attraction gained attention from the public. Digital users discussed the film in blogs and forums on the Internet.

The practice of the law of attraction became widespread with the appearance of social media. People started to call this practice “manifestation” or the process of materializing your thoughts into physical realities.

Manifestation became a trend in TikTok where people shared their experiences and tips and tricks for manifesting. The hashtag #manifestation has millions of posts to this day.

The Shadow and the Law of Attraction

The Universal Laws of Attraction appear to respond more efficiently and quickly to people who take action based on genuine desire.

This does not have to be a large-scale event. In your efforts, you don’t have to try to move the impossible. However, most experts who write about creation will point out that you need to take some significant action to get to your goal.

And you never give up, no matter what!

Why Shadow Gets in The Way

The term “shadow” refers to everything we can’t see in ourselves. The majority of us go to great lengths to protect our self-image from anything unflattering or strange.

As a result, it’s easier to notice another’s shadow before noticing one’s own. This is something that affects everyone. On the other hand, exploring your shadow can lead to more authenticity, creativity, energy, and personal awakening.

This reflective process is necessary for reaching adulthood and the fullness of self-expression that it brings.

This also allows us to connect with the Sovereign archetype, the gateway to connecting with something greater than ourselves.

That is the key to manifesting effortlessly. This type of shadow work is difficult but extremely rewarding.

It’s almost as if the Great Mystery wants to know you’re committed, so spend about 40 minutes a day visualizing your goals in vivid detail and take two small steps every day that move you closer to your goals.

If you meet those requirements and your belief, desire for an outcome, and expectation are all sufficiently strong, you’ll find that mastering creation is the most natural thing in your life.

How To Manifest the Objectives You Desire?

Given the widespread interest among both men and women regarding gaining better control over their lives or shaping a more desirable reality for themselves it is evident that many individuals are eager to understand how to manifest their desired experiences involving places, people, and events.

However beginners may find it remarkably difficult to attract what they want by using the Law of Attraction for co creation purposes. It is crucial to note that this process does not involve engaging in a struggle against the will of the universe; rather it necessitates establishing clear objectives while dedicating 20 minutes per day for visualizing these objectives with great detail.

This dedicated mental energy effectively triggers the Law of Manifestation.

To successfully apply this law and tap into its potential benefits requires addressing any subconscious obstacles preventing belief in ones own ability to achieve desired outcomes. Importantly. Creation occurs when the universe manifests what we expect and believe in.

The Universal Law of Attraction or Law of Manifestation – please click here for more information – operates as a divine mechanism through which individuals can materialize their desired goals. Accessing a fundamental part of their being.

As this law is implemented, one begins to recognize the profound influence collective subconscious thoughts, beliefs, goals, and wishes have on the events and circumstances that shape their lives. For instance.

An individual perceiving a lack of financial abundance in their life may trace this scarcity back to ingrained beliefs regarding their capacity to attract wealth. Similarly.

Someone desiring an intimate relationship but currently not in one is likely harboring unconscious beliefs influencing their perceived level of attractiveness or desirability within romantic contexts.

It should be acknowledged that our deeply ingrained beliefs about ourselves serve as a distillation of the overall quality of our lives. It follows then that to unleash the potential inherent within the law of attraction our core convictions regarding self identity and existence must coalesce harmoniously with our sought after aspirations.

A mechanism known as shadow work can aid us in navigating this path.

Consider a scenario where an individual adheres to beliefs associated with belonging to a low income family and subscribes to the notion that financial hardship is his predetermined destiny. In such instances.

It becomes prudent to rectify and transform these constraining convictions before striving for financial prosperity.

To ascertain if ones’ outlook aligns congruently with their ambitions. Visualizing oneself accomplishing the set goal serves as an efficacious approach. Seeking solace amidst tranquility picture various aspects associated with accomplishing your objective.

Explore whether these mental images resonate positively within.

If not.

A revision or modification may be needed until an authentic resonance transpires.

Visualization and manifestation are intrinsically linked concepts that serve as a guiding force towards our desired outcomes.

The journey towards manifesting begins with the crucial step of determining our exact desires.

However this can be an uphill battle for many individuals as they may find themselves unsure of their wants or lacking the intense passion required to achieve them.

It is crucial to comprehend that without clear knowledge of what we yearn for our dreams remain unattainable. Consider embarking on a journey without any idea of where you wish to go – chaos and randomness would dominate your experience leading you astray and causing perpetual disorientation.

Similarly failing to establish specific outcomes or goals when embarking on the path of manifestation can result in aimlessness and spiritual bewilderment.

Henceforth arises the necessity
of consciously choosing what we wish to manifest into reality through visualization practices.

For beginners seeking success in their manifestation journey.
commencing with smaller goals represents an optimum approach. By doing so one can witness tangible results relatively easily while simultaneously battling self doubt concerning achieving more significant milestones like forging new relationships or finding solace in a new home.

Does manifestation have to do with God?

Does manifestation have to do with God?

Manifestation has everything to do with God because it recognizes that there are invisible forces that control reality. Some may choose to call it God, Allah, the universe, the force, etc. It supports the belief in the Divine.

Are Manifestations a Sin?

Manifestation is not a sin. In simple terms, it means having faith. Manifesting is not putting your desires above God’s will. It means trusting the universe and knowing that something great is coming for you.

Manifestation teaches you to be positive and remember that everything will come out nicely If you trust God’s will.

Are Manifestations Biblical?

Many passages in the Bible talk about manifestation.

For example, Hebrew 11:1 describes faith. As you can see, this is the foundation of manifestation.

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see”.

Moreover, Jesus also tells us about the importance of faith:

“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours”. (Matthew 11:24).

In other words, when you pray, don’t feel or think that your petitions won’t occur. Instead, be sure that you will receive it. This same principle is called “manifestation”.

Do Manifestations Go Against God (Christianity, etc.)?

Some may say yes because it gives more importance to our thoughts than to God’s will. However, that comes from a simplistic view of manifestation.

You can’t manifest just with your thoughts. If your desires come from your ego or fear, they will not materialize.

Manifestations have to do with aligning yourself with the universal will (or God’s will). God wants us all to be happy and prosperous.

Manifestation teaches us to align our thoughts with positivity so we can start seeing beauty and happiness everywhere in the creation.

Are Manifestations Bad and Dangerous

Are Manifestations Bad and Dangerous?

Manifestations can’t be bad nor dangerous because we are always manifesting our beliefs into realities.

The law of attraction is a universal law that helps to maintain order in the universe.

What may be dangerous is manifesting without knowing you are manifesting, which is what most people do.

When you are not conscious of your power of attraction, you can manifest undesirable things into your life.

The law of attraction is not good or bad. It would be like saying that gravity is a bad thing. It is just a law of this perfectly harmonious universe.

Like the law of gravity, the law of attraction is not dangerous. What is dangerous is not knowing that it exists.

Why isn’t the manifestation working?

Many reasons may be causing you to not manifest what you want.

You are being too broad

When you are too broad in your request, you are not telling the universe what you want.

For example, If you want to manifest wealth and your intention is “getting more money” you are being too broad. When you are specific about what you want you can focus your energy on that thing. For example, the exact amount of money you want to make each month.

You are anxiously waiting for results

You manifest what you are inside. If you are afraid or anxious about what will happen, that is what you will attract: More fear, or the consequences of your fear.

For example, If you want to manifest a job but you are afraid you won’t find one. You will remain in the vibration of unemployment. As a result, you won’t find a job, or what is worse, you’ll find a job you hate.

Fear has a very low vibration. You need to release your fears to align with the vibration of your intention.

You are too emotionally attached to it

When you are obsessed with your manifestation, you want things to happen the way you want them. In other words, you are not letting the universe do its job.

When you expect things to happen a certain way, and at a specific time, you are blocking your manifestation.

Your only job is to align energetically with your manifestation. The universe knows when and how.

We all need to be humble and recognize that sometimes we don’t know. The universe does know what is best for you, and sometimes your manifestation is not, or not at this exact time.

That does not mean that your manifestation won’t occur. It means that maybe not right now, or maybe something better is coming

But whatever it is, keep your vibration high and trust the universe. Something great will find you in the way.

What to do when manifestation isn’t working

You don’t believe it will happen

The law of attraction does not act according to your thoughts. What you attract depends on what you believe it’s true.

No matter how many times you think something will happen. If deep inside, you don’t believe it, it will not happen.

That would occur because your thoughts won’t have power. They would be no more than thoughts in your head, without much energy.

And of course, you would also be thinking that said thing won’t occur. And since you believe those thoughts, they will overpower your positive but powerless thoughts.

You need to raise your vibration

Maybe your manifestation is still too far away from you, energetically.

That means that you have to keep raising your vibration.

Meditation, gratitude, and positive affirmations are ways to raise your vibration.

You need to take action

If you are expecting that your manifestation will appear without you doing anything, you may be wrong.

Although it is possible to manifest things without action, it may not be the case right now.

For example, If you want to manifest a successful business, you can’t expect your business to build itself. You need to take the necessary steps here in the physical plane, and the universe will do the rest.

Manifesting is more about making your manifestation chase you than you chasing your manifestation.

But that does not mean that taking action is wrong or not part of manifestation. It means that you are putting yourself somewhere your manifestation can find you more easily.

You have deep-rooted limiting beliefs

It is a little contradictory to want to manifest money but believe that money is the root of all evil.

That contradiction instantly blocks your manifestation.

Maybe you have subconscious limiting beliefs that you adopted since you were very young.

They have a significant effect on your thoughts and emotions. For that reason, you need to reprogram them for more positive ones.

First, you need to become conscious of them with meditation. Then, you can use positive affirmations to start reprogramming your beliefs.

NEXT READ: Everything About Manifestation: A Beginners-to-Advanced Guide & FAQ

Here are some resources I recommend:

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

These products are not affiliate links, we do not get a commission when you purchase these tools. We are supportive of our partnership with Sinful Goods for offering small websites a chance to promote their brands.

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Sensual Shadow Play is practiced through BDSM experiences. If you are 18+ and are interested, go here.

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