In this post we look into the muladhara root chakra and how it relates to kundalini awakening.
What is Kundalini & the Chakras?
Kundalini and the Chakras: Kundalini is symbolized as latent energy coiled at the base of the spine in Eastern spiritual traditions. The Chakras are seven energy centers along the spine, channeling life force energy. They play a crucial role in spiritual practices, representing different levels of consciousness.
Kundalini Awakening: A Kundalini Awakening is a transformative experience where dormant Kundalini energy rises through the Chakras. It can be triggered by meditation or spontaneously. This process leads to heightened consciousness, expanded awareness, and a connection with the universal consciousness. It involves intense physical and emotional sensations, fostering personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Check out Everything About Kundalini & the Chakras.
What is the Muladhara?
First Chakra (Muladhara) – Represents earth and the root of all things in the world. It is both masculine and feminine energies and it is the foundation of the world. Each chakra is a whole world of life experiences.
Muladhara is when the Self is asleep while living in reality, where we have to look after out daily duties and can’t easily run away from our responsibilities without getting neurotic.
When the Self is asleep, all things concerning the gods are asleep.
The muladhara is our earthly world, where mankind is a victim to its impulses, instincts, and unconscious influence, while not paying attention to daily life. It’s when we are victims of our circumstance and our reason holds little impact due to our lack of attention.
There are moments when we have a piece of us in the second chakra, which urges us to do something different. Maybe this calling happens once a week, once a year, or even special and ceremonial days.
It’s when we start tapping into the second chakra that something starts to stir in the unconscious. The unconscious forces call us to do something out of the ordinary.
When you are doing something that is very ordinary the gods are sleeping. Going to a restaurant and having food waiting, waiting for the bus, sitting at the theater, spending typical time with the family.
Signs the Muladhara Chakra is Opening & Activated
Muladhara is of the earth and it is not underground. Muladhara represents the entanglement with the duties of life, and relationships, and so on. In terms of The Hero’s Journey, this is known as the Old World before accepting The Call To Adventure.
Muladhara is life here on Earth, and here—the Gods are asleep.
When your second chakra is activating, you journey into The New World—the world that you have been unconscious of. This is understood as a higher place than before because you are approaching a different kind of life.
You can only reach the second chakra if you have stirred the unconscious by doing the following:
- You have aroused the Serpent, aka Kundalini
- You have acquired the right attitude necessary to acknowledge The Call To Adventure
- The correct attitude is accompanied with a “purified” mind; one who has been rudely awakened by a betrayal of life, a “rejection of fate”, or kind inspirational insight from wise alternative realities (wisdom from a life not lived)
All of these conditions are only met when the stars align, by chance, in a person’s life. This is the world encouraging your ego development by the graces of heaven and its agreements—I am speaking this way because this is an impersonal process, far beyond your sole personal power.
The grace of Heaven is the Kundalini. Something within you must urge you to the next chakra and lead you into it. If this urge does not happen naturally, then it is artificial, not real.
How to Balance, Heal & Control Muladhara Chakra
Muladhara is the lowest center of the Earth, it is unconscious, latent, and dormant.
The chakras are symbols of the levels of consciousness and they can be represented by three sections of the body:
- Muladhara and Swadhisthana (Lower Centers)
- Manipura and Anahata (Diaphragm)
- Vishuddha and Ajna (Head)
The lower centers are attributions of the primitive functions, that which is instinctive, unconscious actions and motivations, and participation mystique for timely bonding.
Remember that the gods are dormant and sleeping in muladhara (first chakra), our earthly, physical, ever-present reality.
Muladhara is the life of animals and primitives living in harmony with nature.
Muladhara is the condition of psychic sleep, where we lack consciousness and speak nothing of it.
From muladhara psychology, the rational viewpoint of our world is one set of the personal aspect. All things that are personal are those that are only meaningful, however in another psychological perspective, all that is personal is utterly uninteresting and has no value because it is futile and illusory.
There are two forms of thought that can stem from the muladhara worldview:
- That personal life is meaningful, which is a reflection of a healthy, human animal
- Or that the world is a meaningless illusion, which is a reflection of an unhealthy human animal that has been traumatized, ostracized, and bitter about it, which eventually leads to murder-suicide or “shadow possession”.
In the western world, we would place muladhara on top as our conscious world, meanwhile our next chakra (svadhisthana) would be underneath as our feelings.
This is the uniting of Shakti and Shiva, a pair of masculine and feminine principles. They are united below and so united above. This is reflected in the dive or descent into the unconscious world of svadhisthana.
Yoni is a woman power and Linga is manpower—and they are united, they are not apart.
In the western world, we look at the unconscious as a place under the earth, below ground level. Another word is catabasis, a journey to the Underworld.
There are two ways to approach the Unconscious:
- You face the monster and become swallowed by it; you look into the abyss until is looks back.
- You come to the monster from behind and attack it.
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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