Manifestation Tools: Using Water, Crystals, Bay Leaves, Journaling, Meditation, Affirmations, Vision Board & Rituals

The act of manifesting is making something tangible and able to be experienced by the physical senses.

Our ideas, dreams, and goals all exist in the fifth dimension. They live in our minds. Manifestation is the process where we make them three-dimensional realities.

Manifestation consists of aligning yourself with your goal so it can express itself in the physical world.

Today, many New Age schools use this term to refer to the strategies to materialize a goal by focusing their thoughts and emotion on the desired outcome.

3 Quick Manifestation Tips Using Water, Crystals, Bay Leaves

You can also use different objects to help you manifest. For example, crystals, water, and bay leaves are popular manifestation items.

Manifestation tips using water

Water is a receptive compound. It charges from the energy you project into it.

So, you can say positive affirmations or visualize your desired outcome in a glass of water. Then, you can drink it. Do it as much as you can!

People also use this method for energetic healing. They charge the water with positive intention and then, they drink it. This way, they can absorb the positive vibrations of their words with the water.

Manifestation Tips Using Water, Crystals, Bay Leaves

Manifestation tips using crystals

Crystals are not only effective healing tools, but they are also powerful spiritual allies.

They can assist you in raising your vibration to manifest, as well as to achieve a specific goal.

You can accomplish that using crystal grids. Arrange crystals in a symmetrical design (such as a circle or hexagon) and use your intention to charge it. It will generate a powerful electromagnetic field, amplifying the energy of your thoughts and bringing them to life.

Manifestation tips using bay leaves

Bay leaves are ancient healing and magical tools. Ancient Greeks used it for prophecy, rituals, and to represent wisdom.

They can also help you to manifest. Write your intention on a bay leaf and then burn it. Visualize how your intention already occurred.

Manifestation Writing Methods

One of the most common manifestation writing methods is called scripting. There are also other ways to manifest through writing.


Scripting is a highly powerful way of manifestation.

It involves writing a script for anything you wish to materialize as if you already have it.

If you desire a wonderful job, you may create a script that describes your situation in great detail. You’d tell the story from the perspective of someone who already has that job.

Also, pay attention to your feelings rather than the literal description of what you wish to achieve.

It’s crucial to immerse yourself in the emotions you’ll experience if you achieve your objective. As a result, you become energetically aligned with those emotions, bringing your dream closer to physical manifestation. Keep in mind that emotion is energy in motion.

Manifestation Journal Prompts Ideas

Here’s an example of what you would write:

“Today is my first day as a manager, and I’m delighted. My salary is excellent, and I am satisfied in every part of my life. My coworkers and supervisor are wonderful, and I feel like I’ll be able to learn a lot here. I appreciate what I do, and I love seeing how my skills can help others.

There is no set length requirement for a manifestation script. However, if you make it longer and more thorough, you will naturally spend more time immersed in those positive feelings.

Furthermore, there is no set guideline for what you should do next. Some people like to burn their scripts as a ritual. Some people prefer to keep it hidden and then read it later to see how much from the script came true. Others like to read the script several times.

It is all up to you. You shouldn’t re-read your script if it makes you uneasy or causes you to obsess over your manifestation. If you don’t believe your manifestation will happen, it won’t.

If that’s the case, put it out of your mind until it manifests. Allow the universe to perform its miracles.

However, if re-reading your script inspires you and makes you feel your manifestation is close, it’s a good idea to keep reading it.

Here are some Manifestation Journal Prompts Ideas.

Write everything you want to manifest

That means writing everything that comes into your mind or what you seriously want to manifest.

It allows you to have a better idea of what you want to manifest and a clear intention.

Journal prompt: What do I want to create in my life?

Write a letter for your future self

What does your future self look like? And what would you like to say to them?

This journal prompt helps you to connect your present to your future. It gives you a better picture of want.

There are no rules for this journal prompt. It can be long-term or short-term. Do what feels best for you.

Journal prompt: What would I say to my future self?

Write a manifestation script

Writing a manifestation script is an amazing journal prompt. It consists of writing a script as If your intention had already manifested. It helps you to connect with the feeling that you already have that thing, raising your vibration.

Journal prompt: How would I narrate the story of my success?

Write positive affirmations

Positive affirmations are powerful when you say them out loud, but also when you write them.

You can write the same affirmation over and over again. Or, you could create a list with all the affirmations you want to incorporate into your life.

Journal prompt: What do I need to say to myself?

Manifestation Methods Meditation, Affirmations, Vision Board, Rituals & More

Manifestation Methods: Meditation, Affirmations, Vision Board, Rituals & More

There are several manifestation methods available. The most important thing is to keep focused on your intention or desired result.

Whatever you focus on grows.  When you focus on the unpleasant aspects of your life, you will amplify them. You will notice more beauty in life if you pay attention to it.

That is the same principle underlying manifestation techniques. You must focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want.


Meditation allows you to raise your vibration to manifest. It keeps you in the here and the now.

It works wonders in most cases. The purpose of manifestation is tuning with the frequency of what you want to materialize, and you can find the most positive emotions in meditation.

For example, meditating can help you feel love If you want to manifest love into your life.

If you want to manifest wealth, meditation makes you tune into the feeling of abundance. Being in the present allows you to recognize how you already have everything you need to be happy.

If you want to manifest happiness, meditation makes you realize how happiness comes from within.


 Sound can create. Sound produces vibration, and everything in the universe is vibrating at all times.

God created the universe with his Word, according to the Bible. Hindus use mantras to influence the body, mind, and soul. Buddhist chants help monks achieve higher states of consciousness.

With our words, we may also create. When we speak nasty words to someone, it might lead to negative consequences. We can alleviate anger, provide peace, and harmony to someone by saying pleasant things or saying lovely words to them.

The same principle applies to your current situation. You can’t do anything If you say that you can’t.  However, if you say you can and truly believe it, you will find a way to do it.

What’s more, when you start talking, the words don’t just vanish. Their vibrations linger in your electromagnetic field, as well as in the atmosphere of your home or workplace.

After a heated argument, the home may feel a little dense, and you may feel anxious or drained of energy.

Take care how you say things. Always use words that have a high vibration. Your words are what shape your reality.

Affirmations in the present tense

When it comes to positive affirmations, talking about the future doesn’t help. You must speak as if your intention is already taking place in the present and you already own it.

Thinking about the future when you’re creating your positive affirmations is like postponing your happiness forever. Don’t put off your happiness till tomorrow. You can feel happy right here, right now.

Your positive affirmations have to manifest your future reality right now, at this moment. They accomplish this by tuning into the feelings you’ll be experiencing at the time.

Never begin your affirmations with the phrase “I will.” Instead, use words like “I am,” “I have,” “I feel,” and so on.

Focus on emotions

When writing positive affirmations, instead of describing what you need literally, focus on your feelings.

Focusing on your emotions is more effective because it employs your heart’s energy, and it is stronger than your brain’s energy.

Emotion is energy in motion.  Emotions function by igniting energy within you and releasing it into the cosmos to help you achieve your goals.

Instead of expressing “I am a billionaire,” affirm “I feel affluent, prosperous, and rich” or  “I see abundance everywhere.”

Say: “I feel genuinely loved and respected” instead of “I have a boyfriend.”

Focus on what you want

Focus on what you want rather than what you don’t. Remember that what you focus on, expands.

Make your positive affirmations based on what you want to achieve, not what you want to avoid. Instead of stating: “I am no longer unemployed,” say “I feel abundant, and wherever I glance, I see opportunities to apply my skills and be rewarded for it.”

Check out my brief video clip Why Judging is Self-Sabotage.

Vision board

Vision boards are a visual representation of your dreams. It’s a collage, similar to a mood board, but that represents your ideal life.

The purpose is to help you visualize your goals regularly. It serves as a reminder of your goals and encourages you to focus on them. They will grow as you focus on them.

Making vision boards is not only entertaining, but it is also extremely effective. The aim is to create a statement about what you want to accomplish and keep it in your mind all the time.

Creating your vision board

Making a vision board is a fantastic DIY project. Gather all of your old magazines and find pictures that reflect your goals.

It’s also okay to print photographs that inspire you from Instagram or Pinterest.

Although you are free to use as many words as you want, experts advise keeping the statements brief. The visuals are the most significant aspect of the vision board. They must be lively and engaging.

Select images that elicit powerful, positive feelings in you. Emotions are the driving force behind your manifestation.

Put photographs of apartments that inspire you, for example, if you wish to manifest your ideal apartment. Include pictures of your ideal car if you wish to manifest a car.

Where to put a vision board

When you look at your vision board regularly, it activates its magic.

As a result, many people exhibit it boldly. For instance, consider your nightstand, kitchen, bedroom, or office.

However, that is not required. For whatever reason, you may prefer not to make it so evident.

The essential thing is to see it just when you get up and right before you go to bed so that it has a lasting effect on your subconscious mind.

Manifestation rituals

You can also practice a small ritual for manifestation.

Light a candle and ask your Higher Self, the universe, God, or the Divine, to accompany you during this ritual. Ask that your intentions come from the heart and not from your ego.

Then, grab a piece of paper and write what you want to manifest. Charge the paper with your energy by visualizing it or holding it close to your heart. Then, burn it. Imagine that the smoke will send your petition to the universe.

Finally, put the ashes in soil, use it to fertilize a plant, or do what you feel is best.

Meditation before bed

Some forms of meditation for manifestation include visualization.

Most manifestation techniques start with visualization. It involves making up a scenario in your mind of how achieving your goal would look like.

If you want your wedding day to be flawless, for example, you would imagine the whole day meticulously, from start to finish.

The essential thing to remember here is to focus on the feelings you’ll experience when your manifestation occurs.

You may feel tingles, vibrations, and energy moving around you once you focus your thoughts on your desired goal. As much as possible, try to maintain that state. This is where the magic takes place!

NEXT READ: Everything About Manifestation: A Beginners-to-Advanced Guide & FAQ

Here are some resources I recommend:

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

These products are not affiliate links, we do not get a commission when you purchase these tools. We are supportive of our partnership with Sinful Goods for offering small websites a chance to promote their brands.

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