In this post, we talk about how to activate ajna chakra, what does it do, location, color, element, how to use it, all within the context of a kundalini awakening.
What is Kundalini & the Chakras?
Kundalini and the Chakras: Kundalini is symbolized as latent energy coiled at the base of the spine in Eastern spiritual traditions. The Chakras are seven energy centers along the spine, channeling life force energy. They play a crucial role in spiritual practices, representing different levels of consciousness.
Kundalini Awakening: A Kundalini Awakening is a transformative experience where dormant Kundalini energy rises through the Chakras. It can be triggered by meditation or spontaneously. This process leads to heightened consciousness, expanded awareness, and a connection with the universal consciousness. It involves intense physical and emotional sensations, fostering personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Check out Everything About Kundalini & the Chakras.
What is Ajna Chakra & What Does it do?
Sixth Chakra (Ajna) – Represents a Winged Seed. This white chakra is said to be beyond our reach since most people have yet to reach Vishuddha ****(fifth chakra).
Remember that the gods are dormant and sleeping in muladhara (first chakra), our earthly, physical, ever-present reality.
In ajna you are fully conscious and the sleeping gods of muladhara are now awake, you are united with Shiva, and are confronted to the only reality there is—a psychical reality.
However, the psychical reality still opposes physical reality.
Ajna is a non-ego reality. Ajna is ego death without rebirth**.**
You’re not doing anything other than what the inner psychical force is demanding that you do. And the force is not demanding it since you’re already doing it. Because you are the force and the force returns to the origin God.
You have awakened Ajna when you are in Life without Mind.
You’ll be okay, you can turn off your mind.
Demand that your mind leave you alone.
And follow the inner force that calls you.
This inner force will keep you alive because it is connected to the Higher Self and the Universe. You will be okay.
In Ajna, you have surrendered yourself to the Oneness that you are part of. You surrender to your intuitive callings.
Here, there is no experience because it is One and there is no second.
Philosophically, it is dormant and it is not—therefore, it is Nirvana. The Kingdom of Heaven. Delivered from our self-constructed hell.
Because we’ve accepted that Life is a never-ending Hero’s Journey, a continuous development.
However, the human animal naturally lives on this Earthly plane of muladhara.
So you cannot live in a constant state of presence and meditation that is Ajna. You have to go about in this world. You have to brought back to consciousness again, and let the gods sleep.
You are not going up and down development. Because where you have arrived at is never gone and you never really return. Return is an illusion.
In your journeys, you leave a part of yourself in the unconscious, and nobody gets in contact with the unconscious without leaving something behind there.
You may forget it or repress it—but then you will no longer be whole.
When you learn a fact, such as one plus one equals two, it will be so all eternity. One plus one will never equal six.
When you have really experienced something you cannot lose the experience.
Once you know, you can’t go back to not knowing.
You can return to the previous condition and forget what you’ve lost, but that doesn’t mean that you haven’t lost it, despite having forgotten that you have.
You can lose your finger to a junkyard dog, and you’ll even claim that you’ll never go back—but that doesn’t mean you didn’t already leave something there.
Osiris is the god of the Underworld, who has one one eye turned inward. This is the same as losing an eye, which keeps watch on the underworld.
When you have entered a higher state of consciousness, you never really go back. You stay there.
A part of you can split off and explore the lower levels. But the further you have gone into your conscious development the more expensive it will be to return.
If you’ve gained awareness of an eternal truth, but then forget the truth and go back—this is the same as not learning your lesson. This is evidence of empty experience and empty living.
In this sense, you’re not really a person and you’re not really real. The same way people with narcissistic personality disorder don’t learn from their mistakes. They never learn their lessons. This is arrested development.
Remember, if you have really experienced it, you cannot lose the experience. What is entered consciousness never really leaves.
Ajna is the state of complete consciousness where nothing is not yourself. It’s where all chakras are experienced at once, resulting in the highest state of consciousness. If it didn’t include all the former experiences, it wouldn’t be the highest state of consciousness.
Ajna is ego death without rebirth.
How To Activate, Open & Use Ajna Chakra
A thinker whose ideas are independent from the events of daily life is in Vishuddha, or entering Ajna.
The supra-personal aspect is the personal aspect being identified with a conscious. We don’t see that there exists something outside of it. This aspect is not above, instead it is below—where we can observe suprapersonal events taking place in the psyche.
As we create culture, we are creating suprapersonal values. Through this we are seeing the sukshma aspect through culture, where we get an intuitive sense of the other.
The chakra system manifests itselt in culture, which can be divided into various levels—the belly, heart, and head.
We start in the head, where we identify with our eyes, with detached consciousness, and objectivity, we observe the world of ajna. When we speak our knowledge in the form of words, we are in vishuddha, aka the throat center.
Even when we are in ajna, we actually continue to live in muladhara.
This is due to the sthula aspect—since we cannot understand something when we are still immersed within and identified with it.
Only when we reach a standpoint that is outside the experience in question can we wholly understand what we were experiencing.
You have to pay for the objective truth by reaching a different point of reference.
You do this by putting aside your personal standpoint in exchange for a suprapersonal standpoint—which will show us where we are actually in this world.
Our western, personal consciousness can indeed be located in Anahata or even in Ajna, but nonetheless, our psychic situation as a whole is undoubtedly in muladhara.
In the sthula aspect, personal life must be fulfilled and assimilated into consciousness before introducing the supra-personal side of the psyche.
The supra-consciousness, an all embracing consciousness, surveys the psyche from above. This intuition, or higher self, observes from a higher standpoint we ascend to when we tap into the unconscious, because it frees us from everyday consciousness.
The Hindus thinking begins with the Brahman and ours with the ego. Our thought starts out with the individual and goes out into the general the Hindu begins with the general and works down to the individual.
In terms of the chakra, we are not high up, instead we are down low. Our culture represents the conscious mind being held prisoner in muladhara.
From the sukshma aspect, everything is still in muladhara.
Christianity is also based on the sukshma aspect. The world is only preparation for a higher condition, the sacraments and rights of early church all aim for freedom from a merely personal state of mind and allowing one to participate symbolically in a higher condition.
Christ is a symbolic representation, and anticipation desired, that is being lifted above the personal and into the supra-personal.
By sthula aspect, the roots of muladhara must first be fully lived in order to grow beyond it. This is how we develop out personal consciousness to ajna, where we create culture based on the supra-personal God perspective.
From the standpoint of a whole psyche, only our personal consciousness attains ajna. But from the standpoint of the chakra system, we are still in muladhara.
From the sukshma aspect, everything is reversed between eastern and western thought.
In the west, we dive downward into the unconscious underworld—the new world we have yet to integrate into our conscious experience.
In the east, we ascend upward into a new world—which we have yet to integrate into our conscious experience.
To awaken the unconscious mind means to awaken Kundalini, which begins the development of supra-personal within the individual and awaken the sleeping gods.
This rising of Kundalini within the individual brings the personal ego to the supra-ego, the personal into the impersonal, the ego to the non-ego, by pushing the person through the worlds that inhabit each chakra.
The para aspect is metaphysical and can be looked upon as purely theoretical abstractions. The western mind can do nothing with it, meanwhile the eastern mind assumes these as more concrete and substantial realities.
For example, in Indian culture, the Brahma or Purusha is accepted as an unquestioned reality in it’s culture, meanwhile the western mind would only consider to be extreme speculation.
We speak of the sukshma aspect, the metaphysical, only in symbols—such as water, fire, unconscious shadow theory, etc.
Another example can be samskara, the eastern equivalent of archetypes, which would be unconscious inherited conditions we hold in the atmosphere of our psyche, affecting our relationship with muladhara.
Archetypes are the first form of our existence. Children freely live along the world of the unconscious archetypes and world of jewels. It’s when the child starts experiencing bodily sensations that it awakens to swadhisthana, conscious of it’s own life and ego living in muladhara.
The concept of Kundalini has for us only one use—that is to describe our own experiences with the unconscious—the experiences that have to do with the initiation of the super personal processes.
These two trails, connect the muladhara to ajna chakras, along with a third trail going up and down the middle representing wisdom and being with Brahman.
Where is Ajna Chakra Located?
The Ajna Chakra is situated in the middle of your forehead, slightly above the point between your eyebrows. Its precise location aligns with your pineal gland, a small gland often referred to as the “seat of the soul.”
The chakras are symbols of the levels of consciousness and they can be represented by three sections of the body:
- Muladhara and Swadhisthana (Lower Centers)
- Manipura and Anahata (Diaphragm)
- Vishuddha and Ajna (Head)
The lower centers are attributions of the primitive functions, that which is instinctive, unconscious actions and motivations, and participation mystique for timely bonding.
The diaphragm contains manipura, the emotional being who is a victim of their passions, and anahata, the heart that is the beginning of sense of self and the rational thinking soul.
In western thought, we believe we think in the head ajna by default, but plenty of other cultures side-eye this assumption. Instead many cultures identify both their thinking and sense of self as coming from the heart.
The head is where we speak our ideas and abstractions from. The vishuddha speaks the word, that is connected to the entire body up to this point.
In western thought, we are convinced we are masters of ourselves, that our thoughts come from us, that the brain in the head carries the psyche—when in actuality, there are neural passageways all across the body, meaning the brain is actually the body. We don’t have ideas, ideas have us.
The belly is your God because it’s where the sense of self and rationale to do more and be more originates; the greek term thumos is “fire in the belly”, the motivation that drives action to be who we see ourselves to be.
Kundalini is the driving force that pushes our consciousness through these chakra stages. Kundalini also represents the sun serpent that rises from the night of muladhara. These journeys are the days of our life—until we realize that it’s all one experience encapsulating infinite.
What Color & Element is Ajna?
The Ajna Chakra is associated with the color indigo, a deep and rich shade of blue. Its element is often considered to be “light,” representing the illumination of inner knowledge and the enlightenment of consciousness.
What happens when Ajna Chakra opens and is activated?
A full awakening takes places after Vishuddha, where one’s psyche is mended, and at the start of Ajna, where great intuitions and synchronicities appear.
The awakening of Kundalini is the awakening of knowledge and creative power in woman power which works alongside man power.
There are two forms of Kundalini:
- The general Kundalini is the driving force for development prior to the awakening found in ajna
- The true Kundalini is the resulting union of getting in touch with one’s self and it’s great intuitions within ajna
Life after experiencing true Kundalini may appear to be the same, but this level of awareness of life is absolutely new compared to before.
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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