How To Create & Increase Synchronicity (Best Books & Examples of the Good, Bad & Wrong)

Are you wondering how to create and increase synchronicity? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

Nothing happens by chance, it is said: what we call coincidences are the result of synchronicity.

Have you ever been in a situation where there were so many coincidences that they seemed magical to you? Or find hidden connections between events, such as invisible threads that connect various locations and protagonists?

When you’re thinking about someone, you might get a call from him or meet him. Chance, energy, and fate?

In psychology, we talk about synchronicity, a mysterious and magical aspect of our universe that is also real.

How to Create & Increase Synchronicity

Now we’ll look at how we can create favourable coincidences or synchronicities for ourselves and our lives.

Everything appears to happen at a completely random pace. But if you keep seeing the same number, whether it’s on a digital watch, inside a phone number you’ve just received, or inside the licence plate of a car, you’ll start to pay attention to it and try to figure out what it means. Here’s where it gets interesting.

I need to take certain steps to receive messages from the Universe in the form of favourable coincidences or synchronic events.

First and foremost, I must be clear about why I want to receive these messages. Is this a unique individual? A job that makes me happy? Do you have any new friendships? Is there a way to solve a problem? Solve a problem that I’m passionate about? Trying to choose between two possibilities? Whatever it is, it must be crystal clear in my mind. If there isn’t any clarity, I won’t even read the messages that come in.

Another crucial aspect is to recognise that every coincidence will be valuable only to me and no one else. Let me give an example: if I’m thinking of my mother, who is no longer with me, and a beautiful butterfly appears wandering around me, I immediately assume that the butterfly is not there by chance, but rather is my mother’s response to my thought. Of course, for the most logical and sceptical person, all of this makes no sense. But it has for me, and that is important.

As a result, it’s critical to pay close attention to everything that happens around us to grasp the connections formed between the external and internal worlds.

Everyone will find his or her path. Everyone will be responsible for putting his or her own in. This is how it functions.

How To Create & Increase Synchronicity (Best Books & Examples of the Good, Bad & Wrong)

How To Increase My Synchronicity

Coincidences happen to everyone. Some, on the other hand, are unique. They are synchronicities that have a strong emotional resonance for us. Nine favourable factors make it possible to increase their frequency.

Coincidence occurs when two or more events happen at the same time by chance. A synchronicity is a significant coincidence between an objective and a psychic event that cannot be explained by reason or a causal mechanism. It’s a significant coincidence that leaves a lasting and unsettling impression.

A link is established between the observer’s inner psyche and the objective outer world. Spirit and matter are at odds. Suddenly. The coincidence is significant because it occurs at precisely the right time. Mysteriously and joyfully.

Using traditional methods, science is unable to investigate synchronicities. Because we are not in the domain of reason, but rather of the sensitive: emotions, intuition, and feelings are all intertwined. To comprehend synchronicities, we must think in a quantum way, as in the East, with a global and collective approach, rather than in a classical way, as in the West, with a local and individual approach.

Several theories are employed. Philippe Guillemant reviews the various approaches to the underlying order that allow chance manifestations: CGJung and WEPauli’s collective unconscious, D. Bohm’s implicit order, R. Sheldrake’s morphic fields, D. Peat’s hidden order, J.-F. Vézina’s necessary chances…

Nine factors that favor the appearance of synchronicities are revealed when two theories are combined.

  1. Have a genuine need for help. The significance of the coincidence stems from the fact that it responds to a real need.
  2. Make a request related to a real concern. This makes it possible to make the coincidence intelligible.
  3. Take the risk of getting wet through risky, unreasonable and above all not reasoned behavior. Go beyond your limits.
  4. Ask for something the achievement of which will have a real impact on their life path (change). Accepting novelty allows you to change your life path.
  5. Keep your free will: above all do not ask the “Angel” to choose for him because autonomy depends on free will.
  6. Achieve a sufficient level of detachment and letting go which allows lability (ability to change).
  7. See the birth in oneself of an authentic inner smile. The confidence shown by the inner smile is the key to participation.
  8. Get out of habits and off the beaten track at the time of the request. This creates the creative chaos that brings in the trickster (rascal or prankster).
  9. To position oneself in the gift of oneself and to feel the love that accompanies it. The love is the amplification factor of the power non-local intent.
How to increase my synchronicity

Carl Jung & Synchronicity Examples

Carl Gustav Jung classified synchronicity into three types in his work, which we include below with some examples to make them more understandable.

  • Thought and external elements

A match between a person’s thought or an event mental, which can be a memory or a feeling, and one or more external elements of that particular moment. These must occur independently of any type of causal relationship.

As indicated by Jung, an illustration of this phenomenon occurred when a patient confided in him about her dream of a golden beetle and coincidentally one of those same traits materialized in the consultation window. Another prevalent instance of this type of synchronicity arises when you contemplate someone and subsequently receive a message or a phone call from that individual.

  • Mental state and perception

The coincidence of a person’s psychic state (thought, memory, dreams, emotion…) with one or more external elements outside the person’s field of perception that occurs at the time and can be verified later. An example of this type of synchronicity is when you dream about something that is happening in another location that you are unaware of at the time.

  • Thought and a future event

The third type of synchronicity is the coincidence of two facts or ideas that can be verified in the future. This manifests as a premonition, and the author emphasizes that the images on which this phenomenon is based do not have to be literal but can have a symbolic representation. We can also find examples of this type of synchronicity, such as hearing a lottery number and then touching or making a decision based on a supposed signal and then discovering that, for whatever reason, it was the wrong one.

Are there coincidences or is it synchronicity?

Assuming that synchronicity is a rather intricate phenomenon.

We can define it based on some shared characteristics. These include the unexpected nature of thoughts and/or events which can transpire at any given moment as well as the lack of connection or causality between our surroundings and our subjective state.

However, it is important to note that the significance and interpretation we attach to these instances play a pivotal role. It goes beyond just the synchronization of two or more events (referred to as synchronicities) but also encompasses how we perceive and attribute meaning to them based on our psychological condition in that particular moment.

Consequently we may view these occurrences as signs from the universe or strokes of luck precisely because they align perfectly with our needs at that time. Essentially. Coincidences do happen; yet. We imbue them with connotations that serve us favorably in our lives.

9 Examples of Synchronicity

Although we’ve already listed the most common examples of synchronicity that we’ve all encountered at some point in our lives, we’ve included a few more to reflect on in these small details and provide a personal interpretation.

  • A personal issue

Have a personal problem or conflict that you haven’t told anyone about and find a clear solution to it on social media, in a song, or a television commercial. Even before you’ve considered how to solve it or are even aware that you need to.

  • Hours of reflection

Synchrony of hours is when you look at the clock or the time on your phone and see the double hours, mirror hours, or inverted mirror: 22h22, 12h12, 12h21, etc. Numerical synchronicity is not interpreted as one of life’s coincidences in these cases, but some people believe it can be interpreted as a sign of destiny.

  • Get out of bed earlier

A few seconds before the alarm goes off, I wake up. Not only on days when you have a set routine, but also on weekends or when your schedule is different than usual.

  • Make a wish and it will come true

Consider changing jobs (internally) and receiving a call from a friend offering a position or someone openly stating that their company is looking for someone with similar qualities and training.

  • Stay away from mishaps

Discovering that there has been an unforeseen traffic accident on your regular route on the day you opt to take a different path by chance is quite disheartening. Similarly deciding to change your vacation destination abruptly only to learn afterwards that a natural disaster has struck the very area you had intended to explore can be quite frustrating.

  • Messages of hope

These are two people’s coincidences. In these situations, one person may have difficulties or have certain thoughts, and the other usually responds appropriately. Some people believe that these are examples of signals from the universe instructing them to perform a specific action.

  • Strange encounters

Some people interpret synchronicities or synchrony with meaning beyond simple words as synchronicities or synchrony with meaning beyond simple words when they think about something concrete and strangers next to you are talking about the same thing.

  • Run into someone you’ve been thinking about

Another example of ‘signs of the universe’ that people who interpret these coincidences look for is when you think of someone and then meet that person simultaneously or later.

  • Music

Music can also be used to experience synchronicity. People usually have a melody in mind at these times, which can be heard in a corner or on the radio or television.

These are just a few examples of synchronicity, but there is an endless universe of coincidences that lead us to discover Jung’s hypotheses and learn more about him.

Best Books on Synchronicity

Best Books on Synchronicity

Jung was fascinated by coincidences early, particularly those unexpected juxtapositions that scientific rationality could not adequately explain. Before World War I, he discussed these ideas with Albert Einstein, but he first used the term “synchronicity” in a 1930 lecture regarding the unusual psychological insights generated by consulting the I Ching. A long correspondence and friendship with Nobel Prize-winning physicist Wolfgang Pauli sparked a final, mature statement of Jung’s thinking on synchronicity, which was first published in 1952 and is reproduced here.

This comprehensive guide, which includes a glossary of hundreds of signs and their meanings, will assist you in creating a personal oracle system for invoking messages in your daily life. Discover various ways to improve your awareness, including exercises and divination techniques that you can tailor to your specific needs. You’ll also learn how to communicate with loved ones in the spirit world and broaden your horizons. A loving, wise, spiritual presence offers you advice and comfort through divine messages no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

The Magic of Synchronicity the Mysterious. The Meaning is a collection of the author’s real-life synchronicity stories that can be used to remember the hidden meanings of your synchronicities. Dr. Kenneth Harris offers a framework for determining the hidden meaning of your synchronicities. It defines the seven types of synchronicities, addresses the six reasons they occur in our lives, provides five questions to ask yourself when interpreting your synchronicities, and provides four practices to ensure you have more synchronicities.

Wilcock demonstrates hidden architecture within time, guiding individuals and nations through a system of enlightenment Joseph Campbell referred to as the Hero’s Journey, using history, astrology, and synchronicity theory, among other concepts. As a result, historical events occur in startlingly precise, repeating cycles of time. We are left with a remarkable blueprint for how to live our lives in this uncertain and confusing world once we understand and identify the hidden laws of this seemingly random “synchronicity.”

In this ground-breaking book, bestselling authors Trish and Rob MacGregor reveal the seven secrets to recognising and capitalising on synchronicity. You’ll learn to decipher the meaning of everyday signs and use tools like the tarot, I-Ching, and astrology to understand your past, inform your present, and guide your future.

Can Synchronicity Be Bad, Wrong, or a Good Sign

Negative or unfavourable synchronicity can sometimes appear as a guide to help you find your way.

A path or direction that is more appropriate and aligned with who you’ve become, or are on the verge of becoming (the next best version of yourself).

If something synchronistic happens to you and you don’t feel good or right about it, don’t believe Life is directing you in that direction.

You are not meant to return to an ex or an old job that no longer resonates with you simply because you see a “sign” pointing you in that direction!

It’s crucial to be true to yourself; you must have the courage to believe in yourself.

Wrong-feeling signs and synchronicities may appear because some aspect of your old self is still alive in you and needs to die.

The “negative” synchronicities appear for you to become even more clear about the path you want to take.

It’s one of the ways the Universe assists you in strengthening your point of focus (on the aligned things).

All you have to do is choose if you understand the true and deeper meaning and allow it to show you that there is a higher path for you.

Meaning, don’t fall into the trap of believing that Life wants you to do something you’ve outgrown or that doesn’t fit or match the new you you’ve become.

Can synchronicity be bad or wrong?

Negative synchronicities can appear to show you that ‘hey, you’re not that anymore/not that’s for you anymore, you need to change direction and reject the old’ if you hold on to some old aspects of yourself.

So, if something about the synchronicity feels off, bad, or out of place, trust your instincts and head in the direction of the Unknown instead.

That’s where your new (or more aligned) life is, and it’s where Life is directing you.

We’re always evolving and progressing in life, which is why it’s critical to improve your self-awareness so you can recognise the right cues and signs from the Universe.

Follow your most ecstatic feelings and avoid anything that makes you feel dreadful or confining.

A “negative” synchronicity can appear when there is a remnant of something old in you that needs to be released.

If this happens, you should consider whether the synchronicity is expanding or contracting you, whether it is making you feel weaker or more confident and empowered.

If it makes you feel smaller, know that it’s a signpost with a different meaning than the false self would like you to believe (due to its aversion to change).

It’s like a warning sign from the Universe, informing you that you need to focus more on the new you, on your new path, and let go of the old, even if it’s scary.

Consider negative synchronicity as a loving stop sign from the Universe, urging you to pause, become aware, and consider the path you truly desire rather than the path that belongs to the past, to the old you.

When this happens, when you notice a synchronicity in your life that you don’t like or resonate with, and it kind of shoves itself in your face, ask yourself why it’s there.

Ask yourself, “Why am I seeing this?” and you’ll hear your inner voice say, “It’s always about letting go of something, or an aspect of yourself that is old and out of alignment with who you are now.”

You’re not supposed to follow or respond to every synchronicity (or sign, for that matter!) that crosses your path; only the ones that feel right in your heart (even if you don’t understand them at the time).

And “right” does not imply that every decision we make in life is “simple” or “comfortable.”

Decisions can be difficult/uncomfortable/painful/scary to make at times, but the choices that are right for us always have a sense of “rightness” to them.

If the synchronicity lowers your vibration in any way (for example, if you feel dread or your heart sinks), you have the option of rejecting it.

If something doesn’t sit well with you (for whatever reason), you have the choice to let it go and redirect your attention to what is in alignment with who you are or want to be (the new, higher version of you).

Concentrate even more on that; that is how you will resolve the conflict within and with what you truly desire.

For a moment, go within and ask yourself what the most aligned decision or choice would be when negative synchronicities appear in your life; your inner being will tell you.

And remember that they are showing up for you at this time in your life because you are ready to let something go, so don’t be afraid to let it go.

Believe in the Unknown, the New, and Yourself.

That is how and where your most powerful, empowering, and inspiring life exists and unfolds!

Next Read: Everything About Synchronicity: Spiritual Meaning Behind Synchronicity Numbers, Love & Understanding

Recommended Resources

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

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