How to Break Free from a Karmic Relationship Cycle

In this post, we talk about how to break free from a karmic relationship cycle.

How to Break Free from a Karmic Relationship Cycle

A Karmic Cycle is a recurring pattern of situations we find ourselves in that can manifest as a karmic relationship with someone.

If you are experiencing the same type of situation over and over again, this is a sure sign that you are stuck in a karmic cycle. Life continues to present us with these situations because we are meant to learn valuable life lessons from them.

This tends to happen in relationships because our family has continuously failed to learn how to establish and build healthy relationships. The accumulated karmic debt continues down your family line until someone finally puts an end to it.

You are meant to put a stop to the chaos your family and taken a comfort in. So you pay for this karmic debt by going through the pain of change.

In more psychological terms, you have inherited an insecure attachment style from your family. To break free from this karmic relationship cycle, you must earn a secure attachment style.

You can learn how to do that by imparting lessons from this blog or embarking on your inner journey all at once.

You also want to spend time to sit down with yourself, no distractions, and look for any insights you’ve discovered from your previous failed relationships.

With enough guidance, you will build enough wisdom and self-awareness that you will consciously choose to disrupt your karmic relationship cycle.

How to Break Free from a Karmic Relationship Cycle

3 Crucial Steps for Breaking the Karmic Cycle

Here are a few steps to help you overcome these karmic relationships and disrupt the karmic cycle.

Step 1: Understand the karmic situation.

Ask yourself the following,

“Do I know the difference between what can work and what won’t work?”

How long have you been in this situation? On a scale of 1 to 5, how does this person make you feel?

If it’s anything less than a 4 then it’s time to cut them loose. Especially if this feeling is consistent and has been going on for a long time.

Then ask yourself, why do I find myself in these types of situations? What is keeping me here?

Check out my post How To Remove Toxic People From Your Life & Live Happier.

Step 2: Practice radical acceptance.

Admitting that we like the problems we put ourselves in helps us let it go.

If you’ve every gone into work on your birthday, quietly waiting for someone to say “Happy Birthday”, then you know the inner tension that comes from not acknowledging a part of you that wants to be seen.

The unconscious mind wanted to experience a situation, and things unfolded the way it did. It’s out of your awareness, but the unconscious mind can be rebellious in the sense of “I wish someone would…” (snide attitude).

If your mind rejects that idea, then here’s another one you can chew on:

All relationships have a basis in selfishness. You want relationships for a reason, ask yourself why and see how you might convince yourself that you’re not a selfish person.

Remember that your shadow, or unconscious mind, is literally outside of your awareness. It takes self-reflection and spotting “where the wind strikes” to believe this “other” side of you exists.

Back to the birthday example—as soon as someone says “happy birthday”, you were able to release the tension and go about your day. You were able to let it go.

Keep in mind that the unconscious mind, aka shadow, has been suppressed for many years. It makes sense that you’re out of touch with that weird yearning for trouble.

Stating the following aloud can help you:

“I’ve been in these toxic relationships because a part of me wanted to be in them. Now I’m ready to move onto what I want. Show me a way.”

You can take it to the next level and say, “Thank you. But it’s time to let go of what no longer serves me.”

By accepting and understanding the entire spectrum of who you are, you are building self-love. This will gradually evolve into a better relationship with self and others.

Step 3 – Learn to Trust Your Gut Feelings

Trusting yourself also means to trust your gut feelings.

Don’t rely solely on the mind, because the mind is clever and deceptive. It’s even convinced you that you are it.

Put it this way, your brain is not only in your head. Your entire body is covered in nerves that connect to the brain.

If you’re going to trust your mind because you think it’s in your brain, then at least give your body some of that same credibility.

Your intuition is that which is connected to the highest truths (in simple speak: it’s always entirely objective), so you always want to pay attention to it and cultivate that connection with yourself.

Let your intuition protect you, because that’s what it’s there to do.

Check out Why You Must Follow Your Gut Instinct.

Here are some resources I recommend:

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

These products are not affiliate links, we do not get a commission when you purchase these tools. We are supportive of our partnership with Sinful Goods for offering small websites a chance to promote their brands.

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