Everything About Personality Shadow Functions: MBTI Traits Explained & Development

If you want to dig deeper into the MBTI system, then you need to go beyond the functions.

Learning about shadow functions and how they affect the personality is a good way to start with the explorations. It will pave way for more development and help you understand what you need to do and on a much deeper level.

Shadow Function MBTI Explained

Your Primary Functions

There is a lot of debate on shadow functions and not nearly everyone agrees on their existence. The most popular theory is that shadow functions are precisely what they sound like. The theory refers to the parts of you that are concealed, to which you also don’t have access. And while referring to the MBTI system, they refer to the cognitive functions that are in contrast to your strengths.

In the MBTI system, every person has four cognitive functions that guide their behavior pattern and shape their personality type. These are linked to the four-letter personality description most of us are familiar with. They dictate the cognitive functions you use, are comfortable with, and can build strength in.

For example, the ENFP has the following functions:

Your extraverted intuition is your dominant trait and it perceives the way you to see the world and learn about it.

Your introverted feelings are your auxiliary or backup functions that help make decisions about the world and determine what is more important for you. 

Your extraverted function is your tertiary or primary thinking pattern. It is an untapped underdeveloped part of your personality that raises your awareness of the emotional state of people around you.

Your introverted feeling is your interior function which usually makes its presence in times of turbulence. It is deeply rooted in the past and determines the course for the present and future.

This was a brief mention of your dominants that you showcase often in your personality traits. On the other hand, your personality is also affected by the opposites of these dominants. When you use your dominants you suppress these opposites, and this is the exact reason for the formation of shadow functions.

Everything About Personality Shadow Functions MBTI Traits Explained & Development

How Is The Shadow Born?

Every child knows kindness, love, compassion, and generosity but they are also aware of selfishness, greed, and anger. These emotions are a part of our human nature but as a child grows up, something happens. Traits associated with being good become acceptable while traits associated with being bad become disapproving.

Everyone has basic human needs which are biological and innate and they also include physiological needs, need to be safe, and the need for belonging. 

When a child expresses certain depressing parts of himself, he receives negative cues from his environment. Maybe he gets angry or throws tantrums. His parents warn him and send him to his room.

Or maybe the child acts boldly, spontaneously, or playfully on his first day at school. The teacher shames him for his lack of decorum and orders him to sit down. 

Whenever these instances have arisen, they have threatened the child’s basic needs. But he adjusted his behavior to fit into the external world.

All the unacceptable parts of a child’s personality get buckled up and swept out of the conscious awareness.

The child puts all these unwanted parts in an invisible bag and carries the load behind him throughout his life. This repression of the unwanted creates what psychologists call “shadow.”

What are shadow traits in mbti?

As another example, let us look at the cognitive and shadow functions of the INFJ in detail now:

Cognitive Functions (Normal, NOT Shadow)

Like all MBTI functions, INFJ also has four cognitive functions.

1. Introverted intuition – Ni

The first of these MBTI functions is the internal or introverted intuition. This is a dominant function and it describes how the INFJ perceives the inner world. It also commands the function to conclude received information.

Ni functions by consuming large amounts of information for dealing with problems in a holistic manner. INFJs intellectually perceive events or people as a whole trying to connect dots, finding patterns in otherwise unconnected data. Since this is based purely on intuition, Ni is expressed in a relatively intangible abstract way.

This method of information gathering makes the INFJs feel as though their inner world is always changing, despite the fact that they are also under the impression that they know the external world at large.

2. Extraverted feeling – Fe

This is the first extroverted function of the INFJ. This function comes to life when the INFJ interacts with the outside world on day to day basis. It also depends on how the INFJs process their sentiments.

An INFJ often perceives their emotional reactions based on the emotions and responses of the people around them. This gives them a much-needed insight into the feeling of others and they occasionally allow themselves to absorb others’ emotions in an empathic manner.

Such deeply intense and turbulent emotions pave way for INFJs to lead a highly developed inner emotional life. Simultaneously it also makes the lives of INFJs highly sensitive to the words and actions of people around them. This makes them see the world from the perspective of their emotions only.

For example, an INFJ hears that their department has lost its jobs at work. So instead of having more practical concerns, an INFJ will most likely consider the feelings of others. 

3. Introverted thinking – Ti

Introverted thinking is the third cognitive function of the INFJ. This is a logical process and it operates on individual logic internally. Rather, INFJs come up with their own logical reasoning based on their internal intuition which helps them to understand the world and reach certain value judgments.

Additionally, this function helps the INFJ interpret the data that their Ni brings to them. Most of the time, INFJs process events that they witness in the world outside using their inner intuition which is based on their personal experiences. 

It can also be put this way that INFJs use their introverted thinking to understand the complexities that introverted thinking brings to the table.

The Ni function helps the INFJ to recognize the connection between people or things but it is the Ti that helps the human brain to interpret this information and reach a conclusion.

4. Extraverted Sensing – Se

This is the final and fourth function in the cognitive category. It is one of the least developed functions and enables the INFJ to be aware of what is around them and appreciate their physical movements.

Since this function isn’t well developed, it is usually in the heads of the INFJs. They experience difficulty remaining in the present moment and connecting with the outside world.

This also highlights the fact that INFJs find the outside world pretty stressful or stimulating for their likes.

However, the Se function comes to the rescue and helps INFJ appreciate the moments every now and then. In moments of emotional turbulence, INFJ resort to focusing on cravings or bad habits.

They also turn to the temporary rescue like a favorite food or perfume.

What are shadow traits in mbti

What are Shadow Functions?

Shadow functions are poles apart from the cognitive or primary functions of an individual’s personality.

As a result, they often surface when we lash out or act besides what is our normal character. Many believe shadow functions operate only in dreams or the subconscious mind that cause irrational behavior leading to poor life choices.

These are the Shadow Functions of the INFJ, that we went over in the previous section.

1. Extraverted intuition – Ne

This is one of the most developed shadow functions for the INFJ. Though it is still totally unconscious it largely becomes active when the INFJ is in defensive mode.

INFJs indulge more in their extraverted intuition when they become angry or argumentative with people who don’t agree with them, don’t recognize their beliefs, or are not willing to change when provided with fresh options.

However, they also appear utterly confused or deceitful in their own skin in moments like these.

2. Introverted feeling – Fi

This second shadow function appears as a strong negative awareness of the INFJs feelings or belief system.

Since this is a shadow function, INFJs express this shadow function by becoming indecisive about their feelings or personality regarding a certain thought or idea.

In true essence, they often become obsessed with shoving down such feelings because INFJs are more concerned about the feelings of others.

This also turns out to be a consistent belittling or nagging inner voice that criticizes the INFJ for various perceived mishaps.

3. Extroverted Thinking – Te

The third in the shadow function category is extroverted thinking. Normally INFJs look at facts and logic around them and extract data from them to process their decisions.

When flaring up, they try to use Te to take control of the situation. Te employs logic to outwit or out-argue the opponent. This situation usually arises when the INFJ realizes the opponent is trying to use them for their benefit.

They also try to bring in their Ti to dismantle the heat without paying heed to the opponent’s feelings. Later on, they may regret acting so coldly or bluntly, but at the time they feel their opponent truly deserves it.

4. Introverted sensing – Si

The last and the least developed shadow function is introverted sensing which is also the most suppressed part of the unconscious.

For INFJs, they have the least control over this shadow function but it is an essential part of their personality. Usually, the Si depends on past events to make judgments.

This makes it difficult for the INFJ to forget past trauma as the unconscious mind immerses and fixates on others’ mistakes.

Moreover, Si lashes out by focusing on past failures, remembering details, and casting them in an even worse light. Shaking off this shadow function can take considerable time.

The extroverted and introverted natures of functions swap their positions to create shadow functions.

These functions represent the parts of your brain that are hidden, that lie at the edge of your mind, and those parts that you don’t want to admit to.

This is all gathered up with your ego and how you perceive yourself. The primary functions are a part of your ego, most prominently your dominant and auxiliary. Similarly, your tertiary and inferior functions will become a part of your ego if you develop them.

Shadow functions aren’t a part of your ego and they are also not socially acceptable. Shadow functions also aren’t the way to identify yourself. So shadow functions only come out when your ego or core emotions are under threat.

Your ego is therefore an important component of your consciousness and it is hereby vital to protect it.

But protecting it against everything else is harmful and thus inadvisable.

Your ego can lie, get overinflated and hamper your growth and development. This is the point where the positive side of shadow functions makes an entry.

If let loose they can be destructive, but if put to good use they can protect and alleviate the ego. Shadow functions also prevent the ego from becoming overinflated by giving you a much-needed reality check.

How do Shadow Functions Work

How do Shadow Functions Work?

Shadow functions make themselves apparent at the point when you are under so much stress that your normal strategies are no longer working.

When they take hold of you, you will find yourself acting in weird ways that aren’t typical of you.

You may also notice that you are unable to comprehend your behavior when these shadows show themselves because you are following a behavior and instinct that are completely unlike you.

So if you have ever been in a stressful situation and notice yourself doing things and resorting to strategies that you have never considered before then this is most probably your shadow function at work.

They are responsible for making you behave irrationally in completely vague ways which are morally unclear as well.

This coping mechanism can at times turn out very bad because your shadow functions are part of your unconscious mind over which you don’t have any control.

They act independently of your moral restraints and social codes.

It is therefore vital to understand this aspect of your personality and thus make it useful for yourself and the people around you.

The Role of Shadow Functions

Just like your four primary functions, you have four shadow functions as well. They perform an array of functions but there are some primary roles that they play which are categorized below:

The Opposing Personality

This personality is your fifth function, so for an ENFP, it is an introverted instinct. This fifth function acts opposite to your dominant function, questions the way you see the world and the goals you set.

This is the part of you that’s stubborn, rigid, and argumentative and disapproves of the idea to get along with others and many other such incidents.

This is the part of you that retaliates when your ego is hurt or under threat. It can develop and strengthen your dominant functions if put to positive use, but only a few people use it this way.

The Critical Parent

The shadow function on the sixth is usually called the critical parent because it is the shadow of the auxiliary.

This is the part of you that enables you to understand other people’s weak spots and go for them straight when you are in a fight. This emotion can be directed outwardly towards others and inwardly towards yourself.

It thinks nothing of humiliating or belittling others in the search for authority.

You will probably put this part of the personality to use only when you are at the risk of losing someone or something important, but the damage it can cause is devastating.

You can use this function to understand others in depth and when used positively can confer a state of wisdom that is truly remarkable.

The Trickster

The seventh shadow function is called the trickster and it is the troubling and deceiving part of you that is equally vital for your growth and individualization.

This is the function that is cunning, illusory, manipulative, and responsible for creating the chaos around you.

Using this function can make you feel bad or create confusion leading to bad decisions. It is this very function that is the most underrated one because there is little research done on it. It is also not trustworthy owing to its volatile nature.

Despite these shortcomings, it is the trickster that performs the vital task of protecting the child within you. It also provides inhibition and comic relief allowing you to play even after achieving adulthood.

The Demon

The eighth function is commonly referred to as the demon and is also the only one that feels completely foreign to you.

This makes whole sense as this is the shadow of your inferior function and it flares up only when you are in trouble. So the thought of it becoming more frightening seems logical and doesn’t seem like a stretch at all.

Your relationship with this function is so tainted, that you struggle with people who have this function as their dominant trait and you then project your worst qualities onto them.

When activated this function can be utterly destructive and lead to actions that will probably be regrettable.

Another problem with this function is that it is deeply rooted in your unconscious mind and will erupt unexpectedly and unconsciously impose itself.

Everyone needs to know about their shadow functions because their existence is real. There are no invariable rules for how they might appear.

Everyone is different and to understand the shadow functions you need to dig deeper into yourself and discover the parts you typically shy away from.

These types of explorations and discoveries aren’t easy but they are essential for your growth.

Developing Shadow Functions for Introverted MBTI Personalities

Are Shadow Functions Real? 

Shadow functions are for real. They are the most unconscious part of the human brain and hence your personality.

Though you use them throughout the day, it is your primary function that you use more heavily.

Your shadow functions become apparent and are also more immature during times of emotional turbulence like stress or illness.

They also flare up when you are not the typical “you” or when your ego is threatened.

Most people are not ready to identify with their shadow functions because they don’t recognize the other side of themselves, the hidden side. This hidden side doesn’t fit in with their ego.

You may ask if shadow functions are bad. NO, they aren’t.

They show up sometimes in uncivilized ways that can be categorized as irrational too.

But they are there for your well being.

The most important thing is that all eight cognitive functions are irreplaceable and valuable and none of them are inherently bad.

Developing Shadow Functions for Introverted MBTI Personalities

If you want to move from darkness into light, you will have to focus on the beauty and strength of your personality type.

Sometimes healing comes in unexpected ways, like waiting for the storm to pass.

To help you heal and for the storm to pass, we have given descriptions below along with favorable traits of each type. They end with positive affirmations to remind you of your shining light.

While you go through it, please be gentle with yourself as your shadow side is not your typical behavior and will only cause pain and regret in the end if not properly dealt with. Healing from this all can be painful, time-taking, and confusing, and you might also need to seek help from a professional.

Moreover, since we have variable life experiences, it is possible to feel resonation with the shadow traits of other personality types.

That’s alright.

The main thing to remember is that none of us is alone in this; all of us have our shadow sides.

The Shadow of Each Introverted Personality Type

1- ISFJ 

ISFJs are motivated by service and the well-being of others and wish to take care of things to make others succeed. Not only are they respectful and unassuming, they like to stay behind the scenes, ensuring every minute detail doesn’t get overlooked.

It is also not unusual for an ISFJ to work long hours to ensure the care and safety of their loved ones. They are the ones who don’t like a lot of fanfare and prefer to work and serve discreetly. 

The ISFJ shadow repeatedly works as a passive-aggressive inner critic. This voice is oppositional and sows seeds of doubt in the ISFJ mind.

The shadow can make an ISFJ feel isolated and trapped leading to experiencing negative reflections from the past. This can make an ISFJ overly critical and dismissive of others, even those who they deeply care about.

Positive Affirmations for ISFJ: 

My power is to serve and I’m happy and contented with my discreet role


ISFPs are gentle and warm and love to engage with the beauty of the world. They are both creative and artistic, and their art knows no bounds. They fall in love with everything that is aesthetically and visually pleasing. They are appreciative of all the harmony found around them.

They put to use their 5 physical senses to get absorbed in the world around them. They are kind, sensitive, and helpful but won’t waste a chance to seek freedom and fly solo. 

While under the influence of their shadow, they might become cynical; consistently criticizing and blaming others. This is a big shift from their usual gentle and caring self.

If an ISFP feels that others aren’t pulling their weight, they might resort to scheming or dismissive ways. The ISFP shadow leads to impulsive behavior with a pessimistic approach to the future.

Positive Affirmations for ISFP:

My power is to create harmony and I love and appreciate the beauty in others


ISTJs are reliable and hardworking lot. They are equally sensible and realistic in their role as parents or business and community leaders. ISTJs help groups persevere their goals while they identify and rectify mistakes on the way. As ISTJs are careful and thorough themselves, they understand the importance of a well orchestrated plan.

When influenced by their shadow, ISTJ doubts their plans and feels tentative in their search for new ideas. Here they stop from treading the familiar path to explore the unfamiliar one and even dare to make life changing drastic decisions.

Despite all the goodness in ISTJs, their shadow makes them stubborn or withdrawn. They become picky with others yet remain unable to express their emotions. Their strong negative emotions can never be efficiently put to words.

And for ISTJs who consider themselves to be on the familiar and practical side of life, emotions and feelings seem like an uncomfortable mess to them.

Positive Affirmations for ISTJ:

I find my power and success through planning, preparation, and persevering


ISTPs are logical people but have a laid back approach which signals their clever and action driven attitude. They can intensely observe and apply their observations to evaluate and resolve problems.

ISTPs love to stay hands on with the latest gadgets, tools, and tech which aids their love for challenges and the freedom to do whatever they please. They also take pride in their smartness and mastery, which seems a bit daunting to outsiders.

However, in times of crisis, ISTPs lash out or withdraw from loved ones, experiencing a dark image of their future.

The ISTP shadow presents an aggravated representation of how others perceive them which increases their sensitivity to criticism. Social withdrawal might provide relief to them, allowing them to find focus, but this comes usually at the cost of others’ feelings.

Positive Affirmations for ISTP:

I find my power in problem solving which is fueled by my natural curiosity.


Logical, self assured, confident, and intelligent, INTJs move ahead with intention and determination. They depend on their goal setting and planning abilities and tread with the focus usually with a strong backup plan (or many of them) within easy reach.

INTJs are deeply organized individuals and seek guidance from their instinctive knowledge. They have a strong vision of how things should be and go to great deals to make their theories work in the world.

When under the influence of their shadows, INTJs find their patterns and possibilities overwhelming. They become more analytical and less confident while over thinking every minute detail and find difficulty in moving ahead with their plans.

Their shadow also makes them mistrust their plans, creating delusions with their intuition, which otherwise aids them well. In light of their doubts, they recklessly scramble for the ground to prove their beliefs and ideas. Under stress, INTJs become excessively demanding and depressing.

Positive Affirmations for INTJ:

My power is to think up the best and follow my logic through my vision


INTPs rely on their deep drive for perfection and information. Their keen eye for detail fuels their observation and intuition enabling them to solve inconsistencies and problems. They love to explore and explain how the world around them works. 

INTPs have a charming and witty approach to problem solving. Owing to their creative thinking patterns, INTPs unleash new information and uncover exceptional ideas. They are the ones to spot inconsistencies on already brilliant projects and suggest ways for their betterment too. 

The INTPs shadow makes them aggressive, uncharacteristically blunt, and short tempered. On normal days they give away free patience and forgiveness, but on bad days they run pretty low on these themselves.

They are more likely to experience self doubt and blame themselves and others and feel judged constantly. This makes them jump to conclusions and give others around them a tough time. Their shadow makes them overly controlling leading to impulsive behaviors or physically confrontational attitudes.

Positive Affirmations for INTPs:

My power is to dig deep and design through my inquisitive nature, I achieve success.


INFJ have a deep connection with people around them and express their deep love and empathy to them. They use their innate insights and sensitivities to solve complex problems for themselves and for others too.

When problems arise, their counselor nature steps in to solve the conflicts, see the core of the issue, heal the wound and negotiate peace. INFJs are down to earth but aware of their surroundings and thrive on helping others.

When their shadow takes charge, they lose faith in their intuition and abilities and instead rely on external validations. This makes them overwhelmed and their inner voice becomes loud, critical, doubtful, and harsh.

INFJs begin to judge themselves and others unconditionally for their mistakes and control people uncharacteristically through their manipulation techniques. They become more defensive and untrusting; shoving people away. All this leads to self reflection, but now thoughts turn to pain from the past.

Positive Affirmations for INFJ:

My power is deeply rooted in my connections and I aim to guide people through my intuition


INFPs are passionate and sensitive and have the innate warmth and tenderness that makes them readily available to people. INFPs want to do well at all costs and refrain from causing harm. They care for matters close to their heart and help others process their lives. Having a firm belief in the importance of personal growth, INFPs are always there with words of support and encouragement.

INFPs are the ones who see a world of possibility around themselves. Their natural creativeness is expressed through art, music, writing, etc. They have a deep urge to heal from conflicts and help others do the same.

Under the darkness of their shadow, INFPs lose their vision and cannot connect to their identity. They begin to rely too much on other people’s validation – something atypical of them. In this delusion, they begin impulsively grasping at judgments and realizations.

The shadow leads INFPs to feel out of their league, towards an aggressive behavior, which runs parallel to their gentle and warm nature. This causes an INFP to speak harshly and bluntly, uttering things they won’t ever want to say.

Positive Affirmations for INFP:

My power is my optimism which lights my way

Can you develop your shadow functions

Can you develop your shadow functions?

All of us are blessed with four functions and occasionally when you are stressed out you lapse into the opposite ones aka the shadow functions.

Shadow functions pop up on unexpected occasions giving you a taste of some surprising element, but in reality, they just appear to make your life miserable.

Everyone is born with affinities, and naturally keen to use all four functions.

Over time we get better and better at them, but if you purposely try to use your shadow functions, you won’t end up being a superhuman.

Rather this approach will propel you in the wrong direction. You’ll end being a jack of all trades, mastering none.

Alternatively, if you focus your attention on developing all four of your cognitive functions, you are going to be more successful in life.

Recommended Resources

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Approved Tools

Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

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Sensual Shadow Play is practiced through BDSM experiences. If you are 18+ and are interested, go here.

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