In a world of collective consciousness, where there exists a conglomeration of light and dark energies, lightworkers incarnate on earth to spread their light in order to raise the vibrational frequency of the planet.
What is a Lightworker?
A lightworker is an awakened being that represents everything that is light and positive, works for the highest good for the Universe as a whole, and devotes their entire life towards expanding their light in the world. They are known to dispel darkness and become a ray of hope when all is lost to bring forth love and light into the world.
As a lightworker, their soul is a paragon of divine peace and is in charge of being at the answering end of callings from the universe. They are serene, grounded beings who have the power to light up the world with their mere presence.
Lightworkers feel their mission deep in their core and are centered on being their true, authentic self. They are attuned with their soul’s unprecedented journey and follow a ceaseless purpose of being of service for the numerous souls that are to awaken with their guidance.
They can easily and efficiently connect with their higher self that leads their way at every step to fulfill the various missions on earth. The heart of a lightworker is fulfilled when they uplift other souls and assist them in finding their purpose or ikigai.
They are vibrant beings who enjoy the pure essence of all the elements in life – right from the little things that ignite a spark in their heart to breakthrough awakenings. Lightworkers are typically beings who’ve undergone their own share of spiritual restoration, which then turn them into becoming a source of light for others in the world.
Naturally intuitive and often empathetic, a lightworker regularly digs deep into their soul to increase their self-awareness that in turn helps them recognize, pick, address, and empathize with shifts in energies of other beings.

What does light work mean?
Light work is how a lightworker works with their light to serve others – be it as a torch to show someone the right path; a ray of hope for someone who seems to have lost any; or healing someone physically, mentally, or emotionally.
Lightwork is a spiritual practice that the chosen ones perform staying at a very high frequency, to fulfill various missions of the big picture they’re a part of.
Lightwork is about infusing someone with the light of their own higher self and bathing their physical and mental being in this energy so they can step into the power of their best version and manifest all that they’re destined to be.
It is about awakening what’s already within, inciting hidden virtues, discovering the truest self, and recognizing internal power. Light work precedes to acknowledge the inner ability to manifest all that the heart desires, heal, and pave a way to unforeseen miracles.
Lightwork raises the consciousness of humankind by balancing the mind, body, and soul, and widening the individual’s spiritual closet for experiencing an awakening.
The veil is thinning as lightworkers from different corners of the globe are stepping up to connect with their divine power. Lightworkers that are walking in this realm are serving humankind in mysterious ways. While there is a prolonged list of unique ways to serve the world through the light, here are the 5 most common types of inner callings of lightwork –
Healing – Some lightworkers are extremely receptive towards pain and changes in the energies around them, which is why they feel drawn to work on individuals in order to make them vibrate at a higher, positive frequency. Through their mystic healing powers, lightworkers are commonly observed healing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual predicaments.
Psychic Abilities – A lightworker’s elevated intuition and psychic abilities come to play to foretell events, predict the future, the indications of which lie beyond what beings in the physical realm can comprehend. With the help of their elevated senses, they can prognosticate, to a huge extend transform the outcomes into positive ones by shifting their focus on desired uplifting upshots.
Gridwork/Gatekeeper – Lightworkers who work on the grid and the gate are who connect the physical and the spiritual world. While gatekeepers practice cleansing and clearing of energies that no longer serve the planet, gridworkers open the grids to allow positive and loving energies to freely flow into the physical realm.
Manifesting – While all lightworkers are great at manifesting, lightworkers who solely focus on manifesting are the ones who are blessed with the ability to pull in things from the spiritual realm to the material world. With their unshakable focus and clear thought process, they can tile a way to attract unbelievable possibilities. Through different manifestation techniques, such as journaling or meditation to name a few, lightworkers who specialize in manifestation work can easily turn dreams into reality.
Divine Lightkeeper – Divine lightkeepers are the vibrant souls of the society, they imbibe the light that dribbles like heavenly dews from their aura, who always keep their high vibration and their warm presence intact. Regardless of what the external world has going, their energetic demeanor always brightens the space they walk into, uplifts and motivates souls, and becomes a beacon of faith in times of despair.

How Lightworkers Can Manifest
Being a lightworker comes with the advantage of knowing rightly how to use your thoughts as a tool to create your desired reality.
These natural manifestors are aware of the magnanimous power of the mind and can channel their efficacious energies in the right direction to enlighten humanity by attracting happenings for world peace and happiness.
Being at a high universal frequency, lightworkers can easily nudge the Universe to help create momentum towards manifesting a better world.
With this simple 4 step process, lightworkers can effortlessly leverage their natural manifesting powers –
Step One: Cleanse Your Space
Before you even begin manifesting your desires, the first step is to release all resistance, unwanted thoughts, and beliefs that can hold back the desired results from falling right at your lap. Be open and receptive to signs from the Universe and let the divine beings guide you to the things you desire. Close the overthinking tunnel and let go of the fear of ‘how’ and ‘when’ will your manifestations show up.
Step two: Set Clear Intentions
Stating exactly what you want to manifest is the first stepping stone to get your dice rolling on manifesting your desires. Clarity plays an important role to let the Universe know what exactly do you intend to attract for the betterment of the world and to spread peace. Create a mental picture of the world you intend to attract into the material dimension. See smiling faces, happy families, joyful experiences, world peace, positivity, and a light that surrounds it all.
Step Three: Immerse yourself in the feeling
Once you’ve hit the dart on what you’re trying to draw in, begin to feel the emotions that would surface once Universe puts life into your desires. Begin to see it, feel it, and let the emotions flow. Just like a seed needs the right amount of water and sunlight to bloom into a beautiful tree, our intentions need clear associated emotions that stir energy to begin manifesting it. Let this beautiful feeling take over your entire being and feel your energy shift from desiring it, to owning it. Believe what you’re seeking is already here.
Step Four: Trust and Let Go
This step is essential to truly jumpstart the manifestation process. Only if you believe that the Universe has your back and that it’s working in your favor to transform the world into a better place will ideal things manifest. Believe and let go of the outcome. Know that the Universe is on its way to bless you with your desires and stay on a high vibrational frequency to grab them. Turn inward, relax your mind, and open up your heart to welcome new beginnings!
Books That Can Be Lightworker’s Best Companions
While lightwork is a grace from the Universe to the chosen ones to play a role in a bigger picture and work for the betterment of society, sometimes it still takes a structured roadmap to grow on this spiritual path.
Books are one such nudge from the Universe for lightworkers to amplify their knowledge and integrate the developments of their journey with their divine self. What follows are 3 best books for lightworkers that can help them better attune to their inner self –
3 Best Books for Lightworkers
The Lightworker’s Way: Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal
Dr. Doreen Virtue
In this enlightening book by Dr. Doreen Virtue, you get to experience a spiritual journey as she unravels her story about recognizing her dynamism of being a healer and a clairvoyant.
The book illustrates how if you feel allured to heal others, be of service to empower others, resolve worldly environmental and social problems, you may be a lightworker with a higher purpose.
The author of the book pens down her story in a way that it forms a blueprint to awaken your natural senses, learn techniques to heal beings on earth, discover ways to seek direction from your higher self, angels, and the Universe on your journey as a lightworker.
Light is the New Black: A Guide to Answering Your Soul’s Callings and Working Your Light
Rebecca Campbell
Light Is The New Black forms a roadmap for modern women lightworkers to answer their inner calling and identify their abilities.
It attends to the divine feminine beings who have decided to be here at this new age to transfuse the shortcomings of the world.
This book is a beautiful voyage of how the author stepped into her power whereby through the book aims to narrate her story to lightworkers to encourage them to procure a connection with the Universe, formulate practical tools to connect with their higher self and utilize their inner power to transform the world.
Lightworker: Understand Your Sacred Role as Healer, Guide, and Being of Light
Sahvanna Arienta
In this beautiful book of self-discovering the lightworker inside you, the author who is a psychic medium and intuitive advisor helps newly awakened lightworkers understand the signs of being a lightworker, accept their gifts to the fullest, take a walk down the origins of their soul’s journey, and discover ways they can work towards spreading their light in the world.
The book helps stand in front of your powers and welcome your higher self with open arms, recognize the winks from the Universe, and use your highly sensory perceptions to the fullest.
In this energetic world, light and dark energies are what play the entire plot. Where light represents love, the dark energy is about negative thoughts, ego, fear, and everything that is unwanted and doesn’t serve a higher purpose.

Lightwork Vs Shadow Work
Just as lightwork is the craft of working on the light to emit zest and radiance in the world, shadow work is about working through darker parts of one’s reality such as fear, insecurities, unwanted thoughts, or any other painful parts to recover the inner self.
While lightwork is about making people come to terms with their light and their positivity, shadow work is about making them confront the parts they’ve been hiding from themselves by tucking it in their shadow.
Shadow work is a spiritual practice on hidden old traumas, mental wounds, and bringing forth traits that have been suppressed or overly expressed due to these past scars.
Shadow work is about making an individual confront their darkness to induce harmony, cleanse the past, so they can develop into their best self. It curates a safe space to heal, navigate and work through these darker aspects that have been subdued for so long.
An absolute contrasting concept from light work, shadow work is stepping into one’s shadow to transform the dark aspects, which results in enormous growth and purging.
“Sometimes the universe turns off all the lights so we have no choice but to find our own.”
― Rebecca Campbell
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.
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