The Higher Self is the awakened you, the you that is aware of what lies beyond this physical realm, the part of you that is aware of the hidden parts and truths that your conscious self isn’t.
It’s the version of you that is connected with your true spirit, the universal extension of yourself that has the ultimate power to create your life based on your desires, by utilizing your high-frequency self and intuitive thoughts as the tools.
The cosmic term for stepping into your power, Higher Self, is not something that is separate from your being but is the version of you that is looking out for you and can help you to get in touch with the Universal knowledge and the consciousness of your entire being.
The Higher Self is the eternal and unlimited version of you. It is the part that ignites your soul to do so much more you are destined to do in this material world. It holds the key to accessing your power that can guide you to achieve your life’s purpose.

What does Higher Self mean?
The Higher Self is an eternal source that can open you up to your intuition, and give you an insight into the deeper aspects of yourself and the world. It helps you tune into your intentions, desires, and aspirations. It’s not that the connection with your Higher Self does not already exist, but a conscious intention and open-ended effort can open the road to two-way communication with your Higher Self.
This higher, wiser, more authentic, and powerful self already exists within you but it’s the version of you that is hiding under a lot of layers, waiting for someone to unleash it. The Higher Self intends to be your guiding star throughout your presence in this physical world and is always around to help you navigate through life by showing you the right path, opening up roadblocks, and widening your sense of perception and being.
While being on this physical plane we experience a sense of detachment from everything else, our Higher Self stays in touch with the spiritual essence of our true being and the universal energy that connects everything and everyone; owing to the fact that ‘we are all one’.
Our Higher Self lies beyond any limiting beliefs, unlike our physical self that has its own ego, wounds, and past hurt that turns into negative emotional turmoils resulting in a behavior detached from the true being.
This free, authentic, and mysterious self – Higher Self, is our true sacred home. Though our Higher Self is far away from any limitations, it can however get obstructed because of our beliefs or ego-self that can further prevent us from uniting with this ultimate source of energy.
How do you reach your Higher Self? (3 Ways to Connect)
While there are endless ways to kick-start the spiritual journey of connecting with your Higher Self, what follows are the 3 most effortless ways you can tune into your highest power –
As much as the Higher Self is waiting for you to step up and connect with its power when you have an overactive mind, it acts as a roadblock for your Higher Self to send you clear, crisp, and important messages.
A busy mind begins an endless cycle of unwanted, preceding thoughts that stop you from focusing on things that are of primal importance, making it harder for you to fall into a state of relaxation (a very significant space you need to fall into to listen to your Higher Self).
Meditation helps calm your mind to welcome the signs and signals that are sent from your Higher Self. The practice of quieting your mind helps open up a clear pathway for your Higher Self to communicate by making you turn your focus on the inside.
Journaling Your Thoughts
The process of writing is magical, it gets you in touch with your true emotions, by letting your inner feelings flow naturally to you as you write them so you can read and later process the same.
Things that we run away from, emotions that we hide deep within, the wounds that we subconsciously carry, all affect how we perceive things and decide our abilities to address new issues.
By penning down these clear-cut thoughts and ideas in a cloudless light, you detach from the unwanted clutter and get you one step closer to getting equipped to embrace your Higher Self.
Writing about the deepest darkest experiences or emotions will give you the closures you need, strengthen your mental power, and introduce you to a fresh perspective.
Journalling helps you begin the journey of starting to get in touch with your Higher Self by letting yourself heal and transform into a better version of yourself.
Connecting With Nature
One of the most effortless ways to tune into your Higher Self is by being at your natural state, around mother nature. By freshwaters, animals, or scenic paradises such as mountains, greenery, and sunshine, you will find yourself totally submerged in the beauty of what surrounds you.
Away from the thoughts that revolve around your daily life, being immersed in nature will soothe the nerves of your brain, relax your mind and fill your heart with pure love and happiness, in turn making you vibrate at a very high frequency.
In these moments of silence and stillness when you’re immersed in the beauty and the elevated love for nature, you can intentionally ask your Higher Self for guidance and allow the voice of your Higher Self to get to you.

How can my Higher Self help me? (5 Ways)
Elevated Intuition
When you get in touch with your Higher Self, you also get attuned to your intuition and your abilities to sense the world around you. You become more aware of your surroundings, your being and develop a comprehensive perspective that isn’t led on by fears or insecurities.
You experience a sense of oneness, understanding, and compassion, that helps see the bigger picture. You begin to experience a sense of knowing that guides you through life to make impactful decisions and make your way in this world most gently and authentically.
Your Higher Self is always communicating with you, but because we aren’t consciously trying to attune to its voice, we often fail to hear the messages. Once you do become attuned to its presence and its ways, your intuition will act as the messenger that guides you at every step of the way.
Heal Your Wounds
When you get in touch with your Higher Self you get equipped to heal yourself of the wounds and past hurt that have been acting as barriers from letting your energies flow naturally.
It helps you heal yourself in all aspects – physical, emotional, and mental to allow abundance to flow in. By healing yourself in these forms, you close all chapters of your life that no longer seem to serve you and begin an all-new book where you become the writer of the book of your life.
Fall In love With Yourself
Once you recognize your Higher Self and embrace it with open arms, you begin your journey of self-love, self-acceptance and no longer seek external validation. You turn to your inner self to find answers and begin to fall in love with your entire being. You take back your power and turn towards the infinite unconditional source of love and acceptance – your inner true self. You no longer wish to seek external approval but start to validate yourself based on how you treat your own self.
Open Doors To Internal happiness
When your energies are somewhat imbalanced or are easily invaded by external energies, you begin to experience (self) induced or internal worries that are projected to the outer world, lower esteem, and emotional turmoils.
Merging with your Higher Self lets you experience life in its fullest form, by making you focus on your present, burning away troubles; detaching you from worldly problems; and burning away thoughts, feelings, experiences, or people that do not serve a higher purpose in your life. This sets you in a higher vibrational mode and lets you experience pure tranquility and bliss that know no bounds.
You begin to feel light, almost as if you’ve cut chords with anything and everything that was unnecessary.
Unstoppable Energy
Do you often miss the childlike energy you once had? When we start to grow up we lose our innocence as we begin to face all the little or big challenges that the material world throws at us.
This often makes us lose our inspiration, energy, and the will to try new things or be ready to explore experiences that truly make us feel like ourselves again.
Your Higher Self acts as a compass to help you find what truly makes you happy, inculcate a sense of motivation to do all that is needed to bring you internal happiness and a sense of satisfaction. You suddenly begin to feel free of bounds or constraints that hold you back from embracing this unstoppable energy within yourself.

Where does Higher Self come from and where Is It?
The Higher Self resides in the spiritual realm but the bond you have with your Higher Self knows no bounds of the difference between the two worlds. It is your intuitive self that knows more about you than your conscious self does – your habits, thought patterns, feelings, desires to name a few.
Your Higher Self sticks with you from your birth and is always ready to guide, and support you with small gentle nudges in different forms such as numbers, gut feelings, inner knowing, or synchronicities. It will never show up and tell you exactly what to do or which path to choose since it’s only here to be your biggest cheerleader and not someone you need to navigate through life.
The Higher Self will be there with you through all your detours and support you when you’re at your lowest. During moments when you take actions that make you step out for your highest plan temporarily, it helps you find your way back up.
This unbreakable bond lasts your entire lifetime and the more you connect with this source of knowledge, the more you experience bigger breakthroughs that shape your life.
How to Know Your Higher Self (5 Signs Your Higher Self Is Contacting You)
You Experience Synchronicities
A sure way that points that your Higher Self is contacting you is through numbers ( most common being 11:11, 22:22, 1234). Since you are in a different realm than your Higher Self, it sends you messages through repeating numbers. These energetic numbers aren’t a mere coincidence but confirmation from your Higher Self that you’re right where you’re supposed to be and that your Higher Self has your back.
Experiencing Elevated Compassion, Empathy, and Love
Once you feel connected to your Higher Self, you will notice an emotional shift for the other beings in the world. Since you will let go of your ego and limiting beliefs, you will soon realize that you are a source of love and would start to use your light to fill the cups of others. Your high vibrational frequencies will soon start to work towards bringing more love, compassion, and light to the planet.
You Begin To Consciously Manifest
Once you step into the power of being your highest self, you will soon release how powerful your thoughts are. You will start creating your life with this powerful tool and illustrate your life by feeding magical thoughts, visions, and intention energy to bring it to the material world. You will begin to see your life unfold into a beautiful story while you spread the wings of magical conscious manifestation.
You Feel A Pull Towards Spiritual Practices
You feel drawn to immerse yourself in spiritual practices such as mediation. It calms your mind and draws away any stress, fears, or unwanted thoughts so you only feel like your best self. Meditation helps you effortlessly connect to the other world and brings clarity to the way you perceive situations, people, and yourself.
You Begin To See Life-Like Dreams
Once you begin the journey to connect with your higher source of power, you begin to notice meaning in everything. Your consciousness expands making it easier for your Higher Self to send you messages in the state where you are extremely relaxed, i.e your dream state. You may start to see more vivid, meaningful dreams that can help bring clarity to your thoughts process and guide you through your journey of life.
3 Books That Bring You Closer To Your Higher Self
Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self
by Sanaya Roman
If you’re looking for a book to escape from the modalities of the world, find tranquility, feel at peace, open your heart to new experiences and find the true source of love within you, this book is just what you’ve been looking for.
The author through her practical spirituality guides you to perceive things with a wider lens and acknowledge the profound inspiration and motivation you can find within yourself.
You learn about the practical techniques you can embody in your daily life to open up a channel to connect with your Higher Self and how to intentionally use the power of your mind to manifest the life you envision for yourself.
It further helps you plant a way to savor spiritual and personal growth, attract abundance and change your life by stepping on the journey of moving to higher consciousness by embracing your Higher Self and surrendering yourself to the process. This book teaches you just how to go about this process with a calm, ready mind, body, and soul.
Intuition on Demand: A step-by-step guide to powerful intuition you can trust
by Lisa K. PhD
Have you been experiencing a heightened intuition recently? If your gut feeling has been strong lately and you’ve experienced instances where what you believed about a situation was validated by such events, it’s a sign that you’ve been guided to work on your intuitive self.
On the other hand, have you recently started experiencing a growing interest in your third eye chakra or found yourself reading articles that tell you the difference between your fear and your intuition? You’re being called by your Higher Self to open yourself up to a higher level of consciousness.
If you’re on the lookout to find a blueprint that can guide you towards elevated intuition, techniques, and tools to let your intuition flow while helping you find answers to your lingering questions with solely your ‘inner knowing’, this book is the answer to all your prayers. The author empowers you with the guidance you need right from scratch to train, widen and elevate your intuition so much as it starts to help you navigate through tough decisions, make big changes and look at things from a microscope to inculcate a distinct thought process.
The book equips you with techniques to reprogram your mind, and unleash the power that lies within, and immerse yourself in your own divine knowledge by using practical exercises, worksheets, and other easy-to-use tools to get you started on this journey.
The Higher Self: The Magic of Inner and Outer Fulfillment
by Deepak Chopra
Modern science has rejected the existence of ‘reality’ as we see and experience in our daily life. The notion of our ability to see, taste, hear and touch is said to be merely observations and isn’t really based on solid facts of its existence. The perception of ‘time’ does not seem to exist at all and that’s science pointing us this.
The spiritual needs of your being, such as ‘feeling loved’ ‘accepted’ or experiencing emotions like compassion, empathy, inner peace, tranquility, are here in their full form and do not depend on any form of time. These are here and now and are as real as your being that exists.
While most of us are dependent on external factors to fulfill these emotions and satisfy the hunger to feed any void, the author of this book teaches you how to turn inward to satisfy these wants and holds your hand through the entire process of this spiritual experience.
The book teaches you to elevate yourself to your Higher Self, which can help you achieve spiritual fulfilments by eliminating fears, obstacles, and strengthening your intuition to navigate through problems, and making you establish a divine connection between you and your Higher Self.

Is Higher Self and soul the same?
Your Higher Self is the spiritual, true, authentic, highest version of you that fills you up with unconditional love and light, while your soul is a part of this higher consciousness that has incarnated in this material world.
The powerful origin of your energy is your Higher Self, which acts as a roadmap for your soul to walk through all the experiences in this physical realm.
The Higher Self sends in the energetic light to the soul that acts as the fuel to help drive through the material world. The Higher Self that exists in a higher frequency than a soul, is who shapes your soul, and generates the identity of the soul.
Higher Self Vs Soul – Are They The Same?
The energy of the soul flows naturally, is formless in its state, and incarnates in the bodily form in the way the Higher Self decides in the spiritual dimension, according to the lessons and experiences you are destined to experience upon incarnation.
The soul takes a human form to materialize the process of creation and is said to be the co-creator of you. The Higher Self is who directs the soul to help sail through life. Through the purpose of elevating to our Higher Self is how our soul finds its mission.
As we begin to merge with our Higher Self, our soul starts vibrating at a higher vibration, bathes in a universal light, becomes more and more inclined to share this light, and gets us closer to manifesting the life we envision for ourselves.
The true identity of the soul is the Higher Self, it is what the soul intends to grow into with spiritual developments that it experiences in this material dimension.
The Higher Self decides our desires, motivation factors, and challenges that we will overcome in this realm and keeps nudging the soul through the entire process about where to direct its energies – the right kind of situations, people, or experience. It is how we find our career destinations, fall in love with and create a life for ourselves the way we do.
The Higher Self is well aware of our past lives, incomplete journies, lessons that are yet to be learned, and our strengths, which help form a foundation for our lives as well as guide us through the earthy life.
At birth, the soul finds its way out of the Higher Self into the incarnated body and on death reunites with the Higher Self in its most natural form.
While our Higher Self is responsible to stay connected with the energies of our soul by nudging us to make decisions that can bring us closer to a happy, mission-filled life, the decision to stick through the path and walk over all the stepping stones is decided by our soul.
The Higher Self regardless of how much it guides and raises us does not in any way control us. It does not aim to create dependency but let the soul find its own way to create a fruitful, destined life.

Shadow Self Vs Higher Self – Two Different Parts Of The Same ‘You’
While the beings in this world are blessed with the highest, wisest self that comes in to help them when times are rough, help navigate through the intricacies of life, they also have a part of them that is on the opposite spectrum, their shadow self.
Though the shadow self is often misinterpreted as something evil or negative of sorts, it is the preconceived part of themselves that the individuals find ‘weak’, ‘unacceptable’, or anything that they think needs to be hidden from the world as well as themselves to find acceptance.
While your Higher Self guides you to find your virtues, powers and find your true self through experiences that lead you to an ‘awakening’, your shadow self gets you the healing you need to get ready to experience this higher vibrational journey.
Think of the highest self as the light at the end of the tunnel and the shadow self as the darkness while you’re passing through the tunnel. To get to the end of the tunnel and get into the light, regardless of scary it may seem, you have to step into the tunnel, similarly, to experience your Higher Self, you need to embrace all aspects of yourself, shed your skin, and regain your power.
Your shadow self is what develops through early wounds and experiences, whose primary goal is mere survival, while the highest self is the authentic ‘you’ that you can embody whose only goal is to show you the limitless power that resides inside you.
You begin the journey of spiritual upliftment first by accepting and healing your shadow side and then connecting with the energy of your highest self. As you step into this chapter, you experience a shift of energy, you see your world transform, you begin to heal and embrace yourself, fall in love with yourself and the world, and begin a life that truly brings in abundance and self-growth.
Can you see your Higher Self? (4 Steps)
Let Go Of Limiting Beliefs
Before you even begin the process that gets you to see your Higher Self in its true form, you need to let go of all the beliefs that can hold you back from this beautiful experience. Let go of any unparallel thoughts that can step in and act as barriers from making you experience your true self. Clear your space with intention, sage, or crystals, whatever your heart feels drawn to.
Trust In The Process
Believing in your ability to experience unity with your Higher Self is the next most crucial step. Without true belief, all your efforts could be vain. Recognize your ability to see your Higher Self, reunite with this light and allow yourself to become this being. Make room to let the light make its way in every part of your existence, filling you up with higher vibration and making you turn into your higher version.
Let Yourself Settle
Take deep breaths and sink yourself into a calm, relaxed and comfortable position. Listen to your inner voice when it comes to getting settled into a position – sitting or standing, choose what you feel utmost comfortable in. Don’t force yourself to feel anything, there’s no right or wrong, go with the flow and allow yourself to just be.
Let Your Higher Self Step In
Leverage your imagination, your third eye, or let your subconscious create a mental picture of what you can imagine as the most ‘flawless’ ‘perfect’ or ‘best’ form of you in glowing white light. Let your senses guide you to this being in a natural way, feel like you’re coming closer and closer to this being, and begin to see it clearly as you keep taking deep breaths.
Some see their Higher Self as a divine being with cosmic characteristics, some see it as their inner child while some see their older version.
Embrace what you see, do not judge, hold the vision tight and just be present.
As you begin to feel connected to this version of you, start getting into the details of how you look, what are you dressed in, how energetic are you, the aura around you, and the glow in which you’re imbibed.
Once you’re fully aware of this being and how beautifully radiant your Higher Self is, because aware of the qualities you are carrying and the positivity you are filled in.
Now, let your Higher Self step into your physical body and begin to experience and feel like you’ve become this highest version of yourself.
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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