Everything About Darkworkers: 7 Signs to Recognize a Darkworker

A dark worker shouldn’t be confused with an evil person. Dark work can be done by someone who taps into the denser, and lower frequency energies of reality.

Some dark workers work with death, an example would be working with spirits that have passed or predicting when someone may pass.

What is a Darkworker?

Dark workers can work with negative emotions—feeling through them in order to gain the knowledge and wisdom that are birthed from these feelings to better themselves and others.

One of the greatest differences between light workers and dark workers is that dark workers don’t deny the negative aspects of life.

Dark workers believe that certain choices should be made—no matter the cost and no matter the effect—because it is part of the greater good.

A dark worker may ignite negative emotions in someone—or use energetic manipulation if they feel it will eventually transmute the experience into a more beneficial one.

Dark workers are more realists than light workers, and rather than only focusing on the positive, they embrace the negative and see how beneficial some negativity can be—from their perspectives.

The perspective on humanity as a whole may differ between light and dark workers. A light worker may view humanity as one of the greatest creations within our universe because of the expansion we experience as humans.

They may also value the relationships we have, the inventions we’ve created, and the love we give each other.

A dark worker may see the animal extinctions,  the deaths of our own species, and the destruction of the planet we have caused.

Dark workers may view humanity as something that should no longer exist in order to benefit the universe as a whole.

In other words, both parties view the benefit of the whole as part of their mission but may have very different perspectives on what is necessary to achieve this.

There are also dark workers that work with a negative intent and don’t have the highest interest in humanity as a whole, and these people will use negativity such as corruption, distortion, black magick, etc., to gain a desired outcome that only benefits them or a small group of people.

These evil dark workers may work with negative entities and archetypes as well. These behaviors aren’t inherent in all dark workers by any means.

There are also those that fall in between the spectrum of light worker vs. dark worker.

The ones that fall in between may use positivity and love for one circumstance, and for another circumstance may use isolation and coldness.

Most people fall in between the spectrum of the scale.

What is a Darkworker

How to Recognize a Darkworker

There are a few qualities that set dark workers apart from lightworkers. If the person in question works with objects—pay attention to what objects they use.

Darkworker Sign #1

A dark worker may use bones, animal remains, black candles, hot spices, bodily fluids, etc. Using any of these objects does not mean they are using this for harm, but these objects would fall under working with darker energy.

Darkworker Sign #2

Dark workers may seem to have more of an ego than light workers—because they are working with more dense energies. Light workers may seem less self-focused, always focusing on light and unconditional love.

Darkworker Sign #3

Dark workers will acknowledge and speak on the negativity in the world around them more than light workers. They may also speak on the negative aspects they see in others more frequently.

Darkworker Sign #4

Dark workers may show you darker emotions than light workers, and will also express their deepest and darkest thoughts more readily. Everyone has dark thoughts and dark emotions, but dark workers will sit with them and let those energies manifest more easily than light workers. 

Darkworker Sign #5

Dark workers may have careers in therapy because they find benefit in analyzing trauma. They may also be doctors, hypnotherapists, police officers, poets, etc. All of these jobs deal with darker aspects of humanity, but with the intent to do “good”.

Darkworker Sign #6

Someone who is a dark worker but also has a negative intent may show signs of being manipulative towards others. They may also be very fearful themselves and seem to be stuck in fight or flight mode.

Darkworker Sign #7

Evil dark workers may also hate animals and children, eat very poor diets, and have addictions or obsessions.

Dark Worker vs Light Worker Spirituality

As spiritual beings we are fragmented, meaning we are all extensions of the same Source, experiencing individualism.

Because of our fragmentation—naturally we view the world through separation. Separation is a lower level of awareness, and as you gain consciousness you understand that all things are connected, and all things have purpose and meaning in our experience.

The further you travel down your spiritual path it becomes easier to remove the labels of “good” and “bad” from your vocabulary.

In today’s age, people are waking up to the truths of reality faster than we ever have before. People all over the world are feeling the call to integrate parts of themselves in order to better their lives and the lives of those around them.

This desire manifests in many ways, light work being one of the most common. Light work is the act of benefiting the planet through higher frequency and positive actions.

Dark Worker vs Light Worker Spirituality

Dark Worker vs Light Worker

Irrespective of whether your worldview aligns with the notion of a physical universe or perceives reality as an all-encompassing hologram or something entirely divergent altogether—our human experience clearly falls within each facet spanning all spectrums.

Dualism permeates our existence: good juxtaposed against evil; right counterbalanced by wrong; upward counteracting downward; left opposing right; brightness contrasting darkness—and this list extends further still.

Our journey entails traversing these realms intermittently encountering varying degrees from each side or exclusively embracing extremes at times.

Noteworthily, light work and dark work mirror one another in many ways despite initial appearances that suggest stark dissimilarities when solely observed; fundamentally, both entities emanate from one common source and share congruous desires.

To be a light worker or dark worker, you are doing the work that you feel is necessary.

Light workers believe that unconditional love will heal the planet, and that spreading high frequency energy of light is part of their soul’s mission.

When it comes to dark workers, it becomes more complicated in defining what their soul’s mission may be depending on the various definitions given to this subject.

Some dark workers also feel the desire to better the planet and universe as a whole, and others work more for a self actualized mission that benefits themselves without the thought of the world as a whole—but the latter may refer to some light workers as well.

Dark Work and Spirituality

Dark work is sometimes needed to heal the broken parts of our lives. There are things that cannot be healed without being understood, and sometimes understanding can only come from experience.

Experiencing the darkness of our lives doesn’t always feel comfortable or easy, but from darkness comes light, and the light may only shine once the darkness is understood.

Darkness and light are two ends of the same stick, the stick of the reality we currently live. In life we cannot out run the darkness, and we cannot experience the light without allowing it into our lives.

Being a dark worker doesn’t necessarily mean someone who is a bad person. Dark work can be beneficial in healing through pain and trauma.

Dark work can also be useful in uncovering programs that may be holding you back that are hidden within your subconscious.

There are many reasons one may use dark work in order to raise their own frequency or better themselves.

When working with dark energy it’s important to realize your goal, and contemplate if it’s in alignment with your own morals and integrity.

If it is, dive deep into the mysterious energy of dark work—and experience the intensity of the abyss—but while you’re down there, don’t forget to come up for some light eventually. One who works in balance with light and dark will truly benefit themselves the greatest.

Recommended Resources

A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.

Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.

Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.

Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!

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Self-Love Subliminal helps you with your self-love, self-esteem, self-image, and inspires confidence in yourself and your relationship with the World.

Subliminal Bundle uses different hypnosis tracks to subconsciously improve your health, love life, motivation, self-love and much more.

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