In this post, we discuss the anahata chakra’s opening symptoms, where it’s located, what it does, what happens when it opens, and the color it symbolizes, all within the context of kundalini awakening.
What is Kundalini & the Chakras?
Kundalini and the Chakras: Kundalini is symbolized as latent energy coiled at the base of the spine in Eastern spiritual traditions. The Chakras are seven energy centers along the spine, channeling life force energy. They play a crucial role in spiritual practices, representing different levels of consciousness.
Kundalini Awakening: A Kundalini Awakening is a transformative experience where dormant Kundalini energy rises through the Chakras. It can be triggered by meditation or spontaneously. This process leads to heightened consciousness, expanded awareness, and a connection with the universal consciousness. It involves intense physical and emotional sensations, fostering personal transformation and spiritual growth.

Check out Everything About Kundalini & the Chakras.
What is Anahata?
Fourth Chakra (Anahata) – In anahata, you are going through the process of sublimation—when solid matter turns into a gas. This is when you are risen above manipura (third chakra), lifted from Earth, and the world of your emotions. This can make you very emotional and identify with God.
When you are emotional you will try to express yourself. For example, you might do this with creative work, such as poetry, stories, or music. This is because emotions always utter they want to be heard.
Purusha is above the emotions and is where the first idea of the Self is more clearly seen. It’s here that we become aware of something within that is not personal. Here is where you begin to reason, think, and reflect.
This is the beginning of voluntary reduction and withdrawal of emotions, instead of following your impulses. You do this by stopping yourself and asking why you are behaving like this. This exercise helps you dis-identify and overcome your emotions.
People can lose themselves completely in their emotions and exhaust themselves even to the point that they are burned alive and nothing remains just ashes.
This also happens in lunacy, or manic episodes, when someone gets in a manic state and can’t get out of it. They burn up as a result of their exploded emotions.
However, there is a way to detach from it. And when man discovers this, he becomes truly a man.
This is also the beginning of individuation. By being able to differentiate yourself and withdraw any outbursts of emotion, you start to discover the self and you begin to individuate.
Anahata individuation will likely lead to inflation. So understand that individuation doesn’t mean you become an ego, it means you become an individual.
Anahata is the self, which is something impersonal and objective.
Individuation is when your ego awakens to the reality that it is only a small part of something much bigger.
Anahata ego inflation can lead to a experience where someone believes they are God; aka they are crazy.
Another example of someone who gets ego inflation from anahata will turn out to be a philosophical “egoless” egotist—indicating failure in individuation.
In Anahata, people begin to reason and gain more understanding in their judgments. You understand that it isn’t you who lives, but the Hero you were christened to be that lives in you—the ego you are assigned in this journey.
This is the understanding that you are not your mind, you are the eternal thing that observes your mind. That which is able to reflect on why the human animal you are perceiving Life through acts the way it does, and guiding it the best it is willing to cooperate within the circumstances Life has presently given it in.
We all start in Muladhara and go through a series of chakra stages, or the four elements:
- Muladhara – Earth
- Swadhisthana – Water
- Manipura – Fire
- Anahata – Air
- Vishuddha – Spirit / Ether
Anahata Chakra Opening Symptoms
Anahata is the heart center, which is characteristic of feeling, and represents the element of air, which is a characteristic of thought.
The relationship of Manipura and Anahata correlates with the interaction between fire and air.
- The fire element, manipura, is not gentle, it moves, mesmerizes, and burns
- The air element, anahata, is light, intangible, unseen, but you can still witness its effects
Manipura possession is when someone is controlled by their emotions.
Understand that you need a heart to have feelings, and without feelings you don’t have courage.
In regards to thought, there are sayings like take it to heart, where you can learn something intellectually, but you won’t keep it on mind unless you take it to heart.
This is why the most important lessons are the ones that hurt.
It’s also why the importance of thoughts and values become clearer to us when we consider them as compelling forces in our lives.
When you cross the diaphragm in the chakra system, you have reached anahata:
Anahata is where you begin to recognize values, ideas, and it’s where psychical facts begin. These psychical ideas and convictions aren’t met with natural sciences.
Purusha is the essence of an ideal being, through the psychical substance that is thought, values, and fellings. Purusha is first seen in anahata.
You can recognize purusha in another person by their authentic ideas and feelings.
This is the first signs of being within your psychical and psychological existence. It is not you—it is contained within you and it is greater and more important than you, but it has an entirely psychical existence. That which cannot be weighed, but can be pondered—such as popularity and mental illness.
Any great motivation or movement of a human being has always started for psychical reasons.
Something constellated, the stars aligned, and the time has simply come when something had to happen for unknown psychical reasons.
Where is Anahata Chakra Located?
Ah, the radiant Anahata Chakra dwells at the center of it all, nestled in the bosom of your chest. Just imagine a brilliant emerald at the core of your being, radiating pure, unconditional love. It’s here, right behind your sternum, where it orchestrates the grand symphony of your life. This heart chakra is like a bridge connecting the earthly energies of your lower chakras with the spiritual realms of the upper chakras. It’s the sweet spot, where your humanity and divinity intertwine in a graceful dance.
What is the Anahata Chakra Responsible For?
Anahata is the heart and many cultures, unlike Americans, believe we think from the heart. In this sense, anahata is the center of our feelings, thoughts, and consciousness. Each of these are expressed through the breath in the form of the sound we make with speech.
Understand that many people have no idea what they are saying, or doing to others, with the thoughts and feelings they speak. In modern culture, depending on context, this is called word salad or yapping.
Because of this, anahata is only the beginning of self and the building blocks of consciousness.
When we speak, we use speech that give life to our words. Our words are associated with wind and spirit, because we see it only by its affect on things.
Hence the “Spirit of Deception”, where we speak a lie and it takes a life of its own. Haunting others with its distortion and damaging reality.
What Happens When Anahata Chakra Opens?
Anahata is activated when we speak content that causes us positive or negative feelings that come from the heart.
From the sthula aspect, the Indian culture is in muladhara where the western culture has reached anahata. Keep in mind that India looks at humanity from the sukshma aspect, and comes from a standpoint that is reverse of western culture.
The chakras are symbols of the levels of consciousness and they can be represented by three sections of the body:
- Muladhara and Swadhisthana (Lower Centers)
- Manipura and Anahata (Diaphragm)
- Vishuddha and Ajna (Head)
The lower centers are attributions of the primitive functions, that which is instinctive, unconscious actions and motivations, and participation mystique for timely bonding.
The diaphragm contains manipura, the emotional being who is a victim of their passions, and anahata, the heart that is the beginning of sense of self and the rational thinking soul.
In western thought, we believe we think in the head ajna by default, but plenty of other cultures side-eye this assumption. Instead many cultures identify both their thinking and sense of self as coming from the heart.
The head is where we speak our ideas and abstractions from. The vishuddha speaks the word, that is connected to the entire body up to this point.
In western thought, we are convinced we are masters of ourselves, that our thoughts come from us, that the brain in the head carries the psyche—when in actuality, there are neural passageways all across the body, meaning the brain is actually the body. We don’t have ideas, ideas have us.
The belly is your God because it’s where the sense of self and rationale to do more and be more originates; the greek term thumos is “fire in the belly”, the motivation that drives action to be who we see ourselves to be.
Kundalini is the driving force that pushes our consciousness through these chakra stages. Kundalini also represents the sun serpent that rises from the night of muladhara. These journeys are the days of our life—until we realize that it’s all one experience encapsulating infinite.
What Color Symbolizes Anahata?
Green, the color of life, nature, and renewal, is the emblematic hue of the Anahata Chakra. It’s the lush, vibrant green of the forests, symbolizing growth and rejuvenation.
Recommended Resources
A Light Among Shadows is a guide to self-love and being that helps you overcome negative self-talk, instill genuine self-acceptance, and overcome self-hate and resentment by making sense of people’s level of consciousness and your spirituality.
Shadow Work for Beginners Series helps you beat negative patterns and beliefs, integrate your shadow, heal your inner child, reclaim your projections, build emotional maturity, and take back your life by becoming whole.
Shadow Work for Relationship Series helps you heal your attachment style, navigate relationship issues, and build a healthy, mature relationship.
Advanced Shadow Work is an ongoing publication with continued in-depth insight and practical advice you won’t find anywhere else on the internet for practicing shadow work, self-awareness, inner healing, spiritual development, and more!
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